Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Funding my used book store Essay
This will be an outlet that bargains in second-hand or trade-in books. Education of a people is the establishment of a country. We wish to support the way of life of perusing so as to dispense with lack of education. We have decided to go this course because of moderateness. The shop’s name â€Å"Daily Books†will undoubtedly be a group puller. The administration will focus on the a huge number of customers and those abiding window shopping or going for easygoing strolls. Considering the hard financial occasions we are experiencing as a country, this thought couldn't be more ideal. Idea Funding my trade-in book shop Business Statement SBA credits are accessible and we are going for the lowdoc that tends to needs beneath $150k. This is a piece of the 7(a) credit program. The credits not just accompany low loan costs and least issues yet in addition with business person instruction. This is an exceptionally supportive asset. Since certain banks permit one to get to assets for the business from family members, at that point your proposition is well inside every single legitimate prerequisite. Serious edge Products and administrations: †Ease of getting old style books and compositions which may not be accessible from the traditional book shops. These should be collectors’ things. Economical: †All our books will be path underneath the market costs. Association: †The course of action and situation of books will make it simple for customers to find what they need and subsequently spare important time. The lighting will be creative and proficient. Area: - . The shop’s vital area is a certain champ. The college and schools’ readership will prove to be useful. Advertising: †This is probably the best quality as my accomplice is profound and wide peruser, also that I am a phenomenal social butterfly and advertiser. We have been mindful so as to recruit submitted staff whose vision is like our own. Market/Industry data While the information search keeps on extending, there is solid rivalry in the skyline. New players are joining the market also new innovation. The administration is setting up structures that will help in the development. Item/Service Information The essential assistance on offer is the arrangement of an available, one of a kind item, advantageous, and a modest help office which guarantees simple access to the enthusiastic peruser. The area chamber has been of extraordinary help since we imparted our plan to them. On the dispatch, they have offered the motorcade grounds at no charge by any stretch of the imagination. They will likewise be sending word out to the neighborhood inhabitants. Objectives and systems for the time being, we will concentrate on getting individuals to see the comprehensive view. What has from the beginning been thought of a rich man’s leisure activity that possessing a rich home library is their save will presently be basic spot. Because of our vital area, we are guaranteed of traffic. Our objective at that point, will be to concentrate on those strolling in and around the complex. We mean to serve in any event 50 strolling clients for every day. The tills in the stores around the town will offer rebate vouchers to every one of their clients in the main month subsequent to propelling. The following level and auxiliary objective will involve publicizing by utilization of flyers and pennants. We will likewise do adjusts in the workplaces. Our advertisers will visit each school in the region and the college too. For these understudies, we mean to offer a limited cost particularly for the course books. We will acquaint participation with every one of our clients with a point of parting with extra endowments and limits. This will see our client base develop from 50 to 100 following a half year of business. In the long haul, we are taking a gander at electronic deals. This will involve a site that will publicize just as offer on-line deals. A conveyance van will prove to be useful for those individuals who might be somewhat away. The bookshop ought to have a comprehensibility of 500 or more dependable clients following a time of 2 years. As a reinforcement plan for the above methodology, we will liaise with the neighborhood bookshops just as those in the close by towns. We will present an association program that should see their business take off too. The thought is to achieve advantageous interaction and cut unjustifiable rivalry. We intend to have stock arrangements of al different outlets and when clients make enquiries, referential deals will be consistent. We will urge book proprietors to trade or store old books that they do not utilize anymore. This thought will come route in decreasing our capital prerequisite for re-loading. Restitution according to the bank’s prerequisites, we have arranged a low compensation financing cost. We have a 60 days introductory beauty period after which we will be required to pay just 1. 5% PA on a decreasing parity. This course of action will come route in helping us reimburse you inside an agreeable period. It won't stretch the business neither will you be stressed monetarily while it gives you significant serenity that your speculation is made sure about. References Advani, A. (2005). SBA credits for your startup. Business visionary. com. Recovered November 18, 2008 http://www. business person. com/cash/financing/startupfinancingcolumnistasheeshadvani/article79254. html
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Kate Moss Effect :: Beauty Media Modeling Self Esteem Essays
The Kate Moss Effect â€Å"Women, you realize that terrible inclination you get subsequent to leafing through a design magazine packed with models who, let’s face it, look route superior to you? A new examination, The Kate Moss Effect, recommends that it‘s not all in your head†(Jennifer Thomas, HealthScout). There have been so often in my life, and I’m sure in different women’s lives also, that I feel absolutely insufficient in correlation with, let’s state, a Victoria’s Secret Model. I simply have one inquiry: How is a lady at any point expected to like herself when the main thing being reliably advanced is flawlessness? There have been numerous tests done, in which specialists study the impacts that the strain to have an ideal body has on the normal female. Be that as it may, I am going to focus on the Kate Greenery Effect for the straightforward explanation, that of the considerable number of studies I took a gander at, The Kate Greenery Effect appeared to be the most practical, and straight forward. So let’s return to that old fashioned sentiment of filtering through the numerous demoralizing pages of a cutting edge style magazine. The Kate Moss Effect is a study based around the straightforward ordinary movement of review a distribution packed with inclination. Fundamentally, ladies were assembled to see pages rising with models who were basically faultless and their responses to this presentation were at that point watched. To be definite, analysts separated 91 Caucasian ladies, ages 18 to 31into two gatherings. One gathering was demonstrated commercials for different regular items, for example, nail clean, toothpaste, and gum. In any case, these promotions included rail flimsy females, the virtual absolutely real portrayal of impeccability. The subsequent gathering was demonstrated promotions for similar sorts of stock. But the second group’s promotions didn’t have individuals in them. â€Å"Researchers found that ladies who saw notices highlighting characteristically slight and lovely ladies gave more indications of sorrow and were increasingly disappointed with their bodies after just one to three minutes of seeing the photos. Gloom levels enlisted a slight uptick, while confidence was unchanged†(Jennifer Thomas, Health Scout). Laurie Mintz, the lead creator of the examination and the partner teacher of instructive and guiding brain research at University of Missouri-Columbia stated, â€Å"The ladies who enrolled the greatest drop in mental self portrait in the wake of survey the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Is It Possible To Respect A Racist Film
Is It Possible To Respect A Racist Film Now that CPW is behind us, I am beginning to return to my life as a mild-mannered Admissions Officer. I have to admit that Ive been excited to get back to one of my favorite hobbies, movies. Just as I got ready to fire up the Yamaha YHT-160 (5.1 channel A/V Home Theater receiver with built in Dolby Digital) and watch the latest pay-per-view selection I noticed that TCM (Turner Classic Movies) was holding a month-long movie retrospective entitled: Race Hollywood Black Images on Film. I immediately began watching (and Tivoing) movies. What a treat! Here were all the movies that I love and some that I always swear to rent next time Im at the video store but which ultimately end up losing out to likes of Batman Returns or Sin City. Anyway (Stay on target!) Monday nights movie selection was very disturbing: D.W. Griffiths Birth of a Nation. This movie, shot in 1915, has been described as a legendary classic, [that is] technically innovative and sweeping. Director Griffith made brilliant use of the close-up, cross-cutting, rapid-fire editing, the iris, the split screen shot, and realistic and impressionistic lighting. His once-record-breaking $100,000 spectacle ran over three hours and eventually altered the entire course and concept of the feature film. It has also been described as: explicitly racist. Shortly after its release, the newly-formed NAACP bitterly condemned Birth of a Nation for its racist and vicious portrayal of blacks, its proclamation of miscegenation, its pro-Klan stance, and its endorsement of slavery. They went on to call this cinematic masterpiece the meanest vilification of the Negro race. Even more shocking was Director Griffiths response to the controversy. He claimed that he was not racist. When screened at the White House for then-President and former history professor Woodrow Wilson, he was quoted as proclaiming, It not only historically accurate, but like history writ with lightning. According to IMDB, this was the first true blockbuster, making $18 million. It was the most profitable film for over two decades, until Disneys Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released years later. If we adjusted the gross to fit the present day consumer price index, Birth of a Nation would have made over $336 million dollars. This movie is credited with massive race riots throughout the country. So why was there such an uproar over this movie? As provided by IMDB, here is the plot summary: Two brothers, Phil and Ted Stoneman, visit their friends in Piedmont, South Carolina: the family Cameron. This friendship is affected by the Civil War, as the Stonemans and the Camerons must join opposite armies. The consequences of the War in their lives are shown in connection to major historical events, like the development of the Civil War itself, Lincolns assassination, and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan. In its climactic finale, the suppression of the black threat to white society by the glorious Ku Klux Klan helped to assuage some of Americas fears about the rise of defiant, strong black men and the repeal of laws forbidding intermarriage. I cant say that I sat through all 3.5 hours of the movie. (Remember I have 2 kids under the age of 3.) But I saw enough of the movie to get the gist of it. I found that I wasnt affected as emotionally as I thought I would be. Dont get me wrong; it lived up to every bit of its racist billing. Yet when put into proper context, I was left feeling empowered by the situation. This brings me to that age-old argument of censorship. Even if done for the right reasons, I believe that censoring the isms (sexism, racism, classism, etc.) can lead to serious blowback. The very thing that you hope to deny exposure to the light can often grow in power by the recesses of the dark. Should there be limits? Of course there should! This is not the movie to show to kindergartners in lieu of Barney and Sesame Street. But it most definitely should be shown to smart and precocious high school students. Discussions around race issues in this country have devolved to sound bites. Most people are retrenched in their own personal feelings that they believe to be 100% correct. The implication is that anyone with opposing thoughts must be 100% wrong. Better yet, lets really drive this home. We live in a world of extreme political correctness. As such, we are willing to choke off and suffocate any topic of conversation that is deemed uncomfortable. We mask these uncomfortable thoughts from ourselves by claiming that any discussion of the matter may offend others around us. So who are we looking to protect others, or ourselves? I think we do significant damage to ourselves by playing the political correctness game in these situations. For example, if someone were to tout some of the cinematic achievements of Birth of a Nation, your first reaction might be to brand that person as a racist. Yet PC norms might keep you from calling the person out as such. So youre then left with a feeling of inner rage and left to harbor ill will towards the person making the comments which may or may not be justified (without bringing up the issue, youll never know for sure). Look, Im not saying that the person speaking positively of Birth doesnt have a responsibility to act responsibility with his or her comments. But we must learn to embrace the opportunities to confront ourselves by confronting others. How is it possible that a movie is technically brilliant yet morally repugnant? How can I respect this film for innovation, yet simultaneously abhor it for content? How do you hold seemingly contradictory ideas in your head at the same time? Its a tough one, Ill grant you that. But growth is painful. It has been my experience that the people who are the most successful in life are the ones who never stop learning. I learned quite a bit about myself by watching Birth Monday night. Even though this movie is actively being used as a modern day recruitment tool for the KKK, I will no longer feel the same level of anxiety about Birth as I did before seeing it. Confrontation can be a good thing if handled correctly. Enough from me what do you think?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Power of Peer Pressure Essay - 683 Words
Power of Peer Pressure Peer pressure can be used in many ways. Animal Farm is an allegory by George Orwell. It is about farm animals that weren’t satisfied of how their farm is run so they rebel. They make 7 commandments being â€Å"All animals are equal†the most important one. The book shows how total equality is hard to achieve and power corrupts. The novel uses peer pressure to control and manipulate what is happening on the farm. It is evident on how the action of the animals changes. It is evident on how Boxer’s way of thinking changes. It is also evident in the actions of the sheep and what it does to the other animals. Peer pressure plays a big role in this novel. The pigs use peer pressure to greatly influence the†¦show more content†¦Another motto that Boxer has is that â€Å"Napoleon is always right.†When Napoleon says something, even though it is not proper, Boxer is always the one who believes it first. Again, because of Boxer’s reputation in the farm whatever he does, the animals tend to follow and in turn it benefits the pigs’ ambitions. On the other hand, not only Boxer was the one who pressures the animals, the sheep, who was used by the pigs, also took part in pressuring the animals. The sheep are being used by the pigs to pressure the other animals. The sheep are not that smart therefore they can easily follow someone or be used in the wrong way. The pigs teach the sheep chants to say. This shows how the pigs use their intelligence to persuade and pressure the sheep in doing what they want. Due to these chants the sheep say, protests coming from the animals were stopped and some were stopped even before they were started. The chant that is being used is to pressure the animals into stopping the protests. The sheep also were used to chant until the animals accept these chants. The repetition of these chants annoys and pressures the animals into accepting them. This is how peer pressure was used by the pigs using the sheep. Peer pressure plays a big role in this novel. It is being used to manipulate and control the animals. It also being used to control and manipulate the sheep and Boxer in specific. However, Boxer and the sheep becomes an instrument that pressures the other animalsShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Power of Peer Pressure906 Words  | 4 Pagesplace humans in the midst of peer pressure; this idea of peer pressure will play a contributing part for all humans and certainly can override a person’s moral beliefs. To ascertain the strength of peer pressure on humans, numerous experiments were conducted that placed humans in undesirable situations along with historical events that apply to peer pressure. A man by the name of Stanley Milgram, Yale University psychologist, decided to test the power of peer pressure on humans in 1961. In hisRead MoreThe Destructive Power of Peer Pressure Essay1408 Words  | 6 Pages Peer pressure and acts of mass blind obedience are all too common occurrences in our everyday society. A person, who under any other circumstances would never act in such a way, will commit unthinkable acts when backed by a single person or even worse, a large mass of individuals. It’s almost always destructive, and the person or persons involved usually always end up feeling regretful and bewildered by their actions. When thinking about group peer pressure, there are several otherRead MoreStanley Milgram s Theory Of Group Conformity, The Power Of Peer Pressure1333 Words  | 6 PagesPh.D. Milgram was interested in social issues when it came to sociology. Milgram spent 1959-1960 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton with Solomon As ch. Solomon Asch was known for his classic experiment of group conformity, the power of peer pressure: the Asch experiment. In this experiment it required individuals to select lines judged to be the same size. The correct choices that would have been made were offset by counterfeit alternatives that were selected by the Asch himself. TheseRead MoreThe Pressue is On: The Impacts of Peer Pressure in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare905 Words  | 4 Pages Listening to peer pressure has the power to shift one’s fate. William Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, demonstrates how pressuring a man to execute an atrocity will have a detrimental impact on his life. As a scheme forms to overthrow a rising emperor and his followers, the men in the conspiracy of murdering Caesar create more damage than value. Eventually, the rising tension to kill an upcoming ruler creates a downfall of the Roman Empire, a breaking of trust among companions, and the deathRead MorePeer Pressure In Adolescence Essay1397 Words  | 6 Pagesare important issues throughout the lifespan, specifically during adolescence. Another large issue during adolescence is pressure from peers. These pressures can be intentional, or just driven by the pressure to fit in by matching other’s actions. One of the more interesting topics in this time of a person’s life is seeing how these two issues overlap. The affect of peer pressure on sexuality in ad olescents is a large issue. Large enough to warrant representation in the media to raise some sort ofRead More Understanding Peer Pressure Essay843 Words  | 4 Pagesinvolved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, its called peer pressure. Its something everyone has to deal with, even adults. Maybe you want to do it, and you just dont have the courage to do it and your friends talk you into it. Peer Pressure can be broken down into two areas, good peer pressure and bad peer pressure. When we thinkRead MoreEssay on Resisting Negative Peer Pressure801 Words  | 4 Pagesenough, but when other people get involved and pressure you to make a certain choice, it can be much harder. What is peer pressure? Peer pressure is the influence of a social group on an individual. It is one thing that all teens have in common. You cant escape it. It is everywhere. No matter how popular you are or how together you feel, sooner or later you will have to face peer pressure. Teenagers feel social pressure to conform to the group of peers with whom they socialize. This can influenceRead MorePeer Pressure1468 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Peer pressure is a social influence exerted on an individual by others in order to get that person to act or believe in a similar way. It is used by a social group, often with the implication that everybodys doing it. This influence can be negative or positive, with a successful result being a change in a persons behavior. Nearly all children experience some form of peer pressure, whether at school, at church or at home among siblings. As a kind of social pressure, it dominatesRead MorePositive Effects of Peer Pressure Essay561 Words  | 3 PagesPositive Effects of Peer Pressure When you think of the words â€Å"peer pressure’, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Majority of us would say that peer pressure is an influence from friends or classmates to do something risky that results in delinquent activities. Some people conform to such ways because as they say, â€Å"Everyone is doing it.†What if I told you that there is a positive side to peer pressure? Yes, you can be pressured into making the right choices. It can teach you to be matureRead MoreTeenagers And Social Media1081 Words  | 5 Pagesindustry. Teens have the power to change our technology and our world for good with technology however if they aren’t taught what not to do they can also make it worse. Perhaps the thing teens are the most influential over are other teens. Peer pressure is very prominent with teenagers and most of it isn’t very good. The most influential of teenagers can make other teens make decisions that hey don’t want to make this could be smoking doing drugs or drinking alcohol. Peer pressure isn’t bad in every
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease - 1677 Words
â€Å"There is one thing Alzheimer s cannot take away, and that is love. Love is not a memory - it s a feeling that resides in your heart and soul.†(Fade to Blank). The human brain is a remarkably complex organ that processes, stores, and recalls information. â€Å"Alzheimer s disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer s disease results from an increase in the production or accumulation of a specific protein (beta-amyloid protein) in the brain that leads to nerve cell death.†(Crystal). It is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 50 to 80 percent of dementia cases, and currently has no cure. (# 3) Research continues to be done to develop better ways to care for those affected with the disease, as well as to find support for family members, friends, and caregivers. Alzheimerâ€℠¢s is a devastating illness that is not a normal part of aging. In order to find a cure, awareness needs to increase to improve understanding, develop effective treatments, and to essentially prevent the disease. Alzheimer’s disease was discovered by Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist. The disease was initially observed in a 51-year-old woman, after her family brought her to Dr. Alzheimer with concerns about her personality and behavior. He detected many unusual symptoms, including difficulty withShow MoreRelatedThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1421 Words  | 6 Pagesengulfed by a mysterious disease. The neurons being cut off and destroyed by two abnormal structures. First memory is affected gradually getting worse. Then one is unable to think properly, reason, and lacks of self control. Gaps are formed in the brain s ventricles, due to the amount of dead tissue. In the end, it will lead to death. All of this may sound like something from a science fiction movie but infact its very real. These are all known possible symptoms of a common disease that affects aboutRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease And Disease935 Words  | 4 Pageswith Alzheimer’s disea se. This disease is commonly found in the elderly. This explains why people assume older people have a bad memory. Alzheimer’s does not occur in a short period of time, it typically takes months to develop. It involves gradual memory loss due to two specific protein fragments that spread to different parts of the brain killing brain cells as they go. As mentioned in the article Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet (2015), Dr. Alois Alzheimer first discovered the disease by noticing somethingRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1304 Words  | 6 Pagesperson knows well, or asking questions continuously can be signs of a more serious problem. It is a disease of the brain that started slowly and gets worse as the time progresses. Alzheimer’s is a progressive destroying of brain tissue that primarily strikes people over the age of 65. Brain functions such as memory, comprehension, and speech deteriorate. The term first introduced by Dr. Alois Alzheimers in 1906 . Memory is lost first. As days passes, attention tends to distracted, simple calculationsRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease Essay1482 Words  | 6 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease that is seen in the elderly. It is the most common form of dementia, which is a general term for memory loss and other intellectual abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life (Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia). Alzheimer’s is one of the leading causes of death in America. Dementia and Alzheimer’s have been around for centuries, but Alzheimer’s disease wasn’t first described until 1906 by Dr. Aloysius Alzheimer. In the past, there was aRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1172 Words  | 5 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in America. It kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Alzheimer’s accounts for 70-80% of dementia cases. By the age of 65, 1 in 9 people are diagnosed and by the age of 85, 1 in 3 people will have the disease. According to the Alzheimer Association, 5 million people in American have Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s starts to form 20 years prior to being diagnosed. Learning about Alzheimer’s can help familiesRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : Disease1759 Words  | 8 Pages Alzheimer’s Disease Madison Lollar Psychology 1030-C62 Volstate Community College Word Count: 1,589 Alzheimer’s Disease: When it comes to Alzheimer’s, I know firsthand how it affects individuals and their families. My great grandfather had Alzheimer’s for many years before his passing late last year, at age 92. Alzheimer’s is a disease that many individuals suffer with each year, but yet with all the advancements in modern medicine we still have no cure for it. There are differentRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1385 Words  | 6 PagesThe disease stem cells could fix is called Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The reason I chose this topic is because I have seen first hand how badly someone who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease is affected in their daily lives. This disease completely takes over their lives and they turn into a completely different person who can hardly function. AD is very tough on the loved ones of the person suffering from it because that person, most of the time has no idea what is going on or who their loved onesRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : A Disease1304 Words  | 6 Pages10, 2015 Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s is a disease in the brain that affects a person’s memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common form of dementia and is common in adults older than 65. More than five million Americans are being affected by Alzheimer’s at this moment. Alzheimer’s comes in three stages; early, middle, and advanced. The disease is caused by the shrinking of the brain due to many risk factors and genetics. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are often confused becauseRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease2364 Words  | 10 Pages1. Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a prominent brain disease that effects a massive amount of individuals in the United States. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 60-80% of dementia cases, with no chance of being cured, prevented or decelerating over time (Alzheimer’s Association, 2014). AD is the most well-known form of dementia, causing complications in brain function in the areas of memory, thinking, and behavior (Alzheimer’sRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease2246 Words  | 9 PagesINTRODUCTION Alzheimer’s Disease has been one of the top leading causes of death in our country. It is understood that this disease is identified as an excess of the protein amyloid-ß within an increase of plaque (Seneff, Wainwright, and Mascitelli, 2010). Additionally, as the brain ages, it gets used to the inflammation and oxidative stress, so it is important to take the right amount of antioxidant micronutrients like vitamin C and vitamin E as well as anti-inflammatory macronutrients such as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gay Marriage and Other Issues Surrounding the LGBT...
When it comes to dealing with gay marriage and the issues surrounding gay rights, there is one question on everyone’s mind, â€Å"Can we outlaw hate?†Elton John once said, â€Å"There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats.†This quote shows the minority opinion when dealing with homosexuality or homosexual marriage. To better understand the reason for such prejudice against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community, we must first explore the history that surrounds it. Until the late nineteenth century, there were no labels for homosexuals or heterosexualsâ€â€we were all merely people. Around the 1860s, however, the government†¦show more content†¦In 1953, to Hay’s dismay, President Eisenhower claimed that, â€Å"homosexuality became, by executive order, a necessary and sufficient reason in itself to fire any federal employe e from his or her job.†The United States Postal Service (USPS) began tracing suspected homosexuals’ mail to gather evidence that would lead to their arrest. Times were rough for the LGBT community. Seven years later, people began to rebel. In the ten years between 1960 and 1970, many American organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Lutheran Church publicly announced their opposition to anti-homosexuality laws. In 1968, a â€Å"Homosexual Bill of Rights†was adopted which stated: â€Å"1. Private consensual sex between persons over the age of consent shall not be an offense. 2. Solicitation for any sexual acts shall not be an offense except upon the filing of a complaint by the aggrieved party, not a police officer or agent. 3. A person’s sexual orientation or practice shall not be a factor in the granting or renewing of federal security clearances or visas, or in the granting of citizenship. 4. Service in and discharge fro m the Armed Forces and eligibility for veteran’s benefits shall be without reference to homosexuality. 5. A person’s sexual orientation or practice shall not affect his eligibility for employment withShow MoreRelatedMental Health And The Lgbt Community1665 Words  | 7 Pagesmany studies on mental health in the LGBT community. With more people being open about their sexual orientation, the LGBT community has become a bigger target for those individuals who create difference between groups to justify discrimination of a particular group. The discrimination towards the LGBT community has caused problems for individuals in the community, mental health being among the biggest problem. Studies have shown that the discrimination of LGBT individuals can affect mental healthRead MoreLgbt Orientation And The Lgbt Community1597 Words  | 7 Pages The numerous controversial issues surrounding gays and lesbians, including same-sex marriage, adoptions, and school gay-straight alliances, have brought sexual orientation and homophobia to the front of American social conscience. Although gays and lesbians seem to be more visible in the United States and media images of gays and lesbians have become familiar, violence against gays and lesbians continues to rise and anti-gay measures are common in the political arena. However the question that AmericansRead MoreGay Community Rights and Respinsiblities Essay1392 Words  | 6 Pageshomosexuality have formed a varying timeline. The LGBT community’s rights and responsibilities must match those of society in general. Throughout the last 50 years the rights deserved by those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender has been debated. Debates have included topics such as same sex marriage, housing security, and job security. The LGBT community needs laws protecting it from hate crimes. There have been multiple incidents LGBT individuals have been beaten, raped, and even murderedRead MoreHate Crimes In The Lgbt Community1580 Words  | 7 Pagesare openly a part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community; that is roughly equivalent to the entire population of New Jersey. The LGBT community stands for and places their beliefs in equality, individuality, and pride. Despite their efforts, they are still faced with degrading discrimination and cruel hatred. Today, fourteen percent of all hate crimes are directed towards to LGBT community. ( The number of hate crimes towards the community is quickly increasing and evolvingRead MoreWe Must Become More Accepting of the LGBT Community Essay1153 Words  | 5 Pagesblushing red above the LGBT community, harassment a constant and inequality beginning as an adjustment. Without an alarm the LGBT community is continually awakened with news stori es of children, brothers, and friends betrayed by their neighbors and their mothers due to their sexuality. Through the depths of era and age the community has entered a movement of desired acceptance and equal rights. In Oklahoma and other states, people are not so tolerant towards the community with personal beliefs moreRead MoreCivil Rights And Freedom Of Speech1569 Words  | 7 Pagesproviding equal access to health care, education, culture, etc. among others. These are important because they ensure that every citizen receives equal treatment, regardless of who they are. Civil liberties on the other hand, are rights that need protection from the government. Examples of civil liberties include freedom of speech, press, and assembly, the right to vote, and the right to equality in public places, along with others. They are important because they guard the rights and freedom of citizensRead MoreThe Rights Code Of The United States1355 Words  | 6 Pagesincreasing its accepta nce of the LGBT+ community. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, with the plus extending to those who are intersex and anyone who does not identify as straight (having sexual and/or romantic attraction to another gender) or cisgender (having one’s gender identity match the one in which they were assigned at birth), the two â€Å"norms†of our society. The country’s first strides in equality came in the arrest of Everett Klippert, a gay mechanic in the Northwest TerritoriesRead MoreBeing Appreciated And Being Welcomed By People1303 Words  | 6 Pagestrying to prevent the â€Å"spread of homosexuality†. And not enough people let them love the people whom they love. It shouldn’t be up to everyone to decide who you love or why you love them. To start things off, the main reason why the LGBT+ community (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, etc) isn’t accepted by the majority of the population is because of religious beliefs. Religious people believe that a man should only be able to love a woman and a woman should only be able to love a man. ThisRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1711 Words  | 7 Pagesyear. Same-sex marriage is a debatable topic that attracts many responses from those supporting and those opposing the issue. People who dispute gay marriage believe it is morally wrong, while gay rights activists believe that all marriages be treated equally. This dispute is put into several different lights including morals, family values and religion; and those of equality, constitutionality. Section 1: The first major law that affected same-sex marriage was the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).Read MoreThe Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage930 Words  | 4 Pagessame-sex marriage all across the nation, after years of social, political, and cultural mobilizations of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and allies. However, this achievement is not an end it itself. Leaders of the marriage equality movement, as well as community members, ask: Now what? This proposed project attempts to provide an answer for this question by looking at the perceived impact of the legalization of same-sex marriage among Black LGBTs in relation
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cherry Orchard By Doll`s House Essay Example For Students
Cherry Orchard By Doll`s House Essay In the play The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov set in Mrs. Ranevskys estate and A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen set in Helmers flat the protagonists shape the story. In both plays the protagonists mental beliefs combine reality and illusions that shape the plot of each respective story. The ability of the characters to reject or accept an illusion, along with the foolish pride that motivated their decision leads to their personal downfall. In the Cherry Orchard, by AntonChekhov, Gayev and Miss. Ranevsky, along with the majority of their family, refuse to believe that their estate is close to bankruptcy. Instead of accepting the reality of their problem, they continue to live their lives under the illusion that they are doing well financially. The family continues with its frivolous ways until there is no money left. One specific example of this is when the family throws an extravagant party on the final night before the house is auctioned off laughing in the face of impending financial ruin. Even when Lopakhin attempts to rescue the family with ideas that could lead to some of the estate being retained, they dismiss his ideas under the illusion that the situation is not that desperate that they need to compromise any of their dignity. The inability on the behalf of the family to realize the seriousness of their situation is seen in the passage between Lopakhin, Gayev and Mrs. Ranevsky: Lopakhin: As you know, your cherry orchards being sold to pay your debts. The Auctions on the twenty-second of August. Heres my plan. All you have to do is break up your cheery orchard and the land along the river into building plots and lease them out for country cottages. Youll have an income of at least twenty- five thousand a year. Gayev: Im sorry, but what utter nonsense! Mrs. Ranevsky: Cut down? My dear man, Im very sorry but I dont think you know what youre talking about 249. If they had recognized the situation they were in they might have been able to save some of their money, or even curbed their spending. This ultimately could have saved them from financial ruin. Unfortunately, once things got bad for them, they refused to accept the fact that circumstances had changed, and instead continued to live as though nothing were wrong. They adopted this illusion as a savior of their pride, and the illusion eventually became reality for the family. Their pride would not allow for anything else. They were too proud to accept their social status, and financial status was in jeopardy, so they chose to live a life of illusion. In their imaginary situation, they were going to be fine. It is easier to believe something when you want it to be true. Unfortunately, outside situations do not change, even if you can fool yourself into thinking they do not exist. The illusion that they used to run their lives became the source of their downfall. Since they grasped at their illusion so tightly, in vain hopes that it would replace reality, they failed to deal practically with their problem, until it got to the point where they had to. They were forced out onto the street, and had all their material possessions stripped from them. The most important thing they had their, status was gone. In a Dolls House, by Henrik Ibsen, property and status are again destined to be lost. The illusion is twisted. At the beginning of the play, Nora leads a life under the illusion that everything was perfect. She lives for eight years with the knowledge that she has broken the law, and betrayed her husband. Though it was necessary, the psychological toll it took on her and the family was hardly worthwhile. Along with Noras flaws, her husband was also at fault. He could not accept what Nora had done, would not have been able to deal with the extreme changes she had under gone. .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .postImageUrl , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:hover , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:visited , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:active { border:0!important; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:active , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The revenge of islam EssayHis pride would not let him accept that he needed a woman to help; that he could not handle everything alone without the help of another person. His self-confidence would not have been strong enough to take that kind of blow to his ego. If she had forced her husband into handling the situation, by having him borrow money himself, everything would have turned out just fine. She, instead, took out the loan on her own, and did not even clue in her husband. She tried to avoid having his pride injured by forcing him to borrow money, even though it was necessary to save his life. From this experience she grew. She learned about human nature, and about the value of money, and had even learned a lesson of practicality. Instead of clueing in her husband in about what she had, she kept quiet and left him ignorant. She lived her life in an illusion, pretending to be the old Nora that she was, and not the new and changed women she had developed into. She did not let the person she had become permeate all the aspects of her life. She let the illusion of the old Nora continue well after she had become a new person. Eventually she evolved into a person who could not be married to Helmer anymore. Helmer: Nora, I would gladly work for you night and day, and endure sorrow and hardships for your sake. But no man can be expected to sacrifice his honor, even for the person he loves. Nora: Millions of Women have done it 85. Helmer: Oh, you think and talk like a stupid child 83. Nora: That may be. But you neither think nor talk like a man I could share my life with as I am now, I am no wife for you 85. If she had continued to grow, and mature, and had accepted the kind of person she became, then perhaps she would have gained the courage to tell her husband what she had done. She would not have had to leave. She could have educated him gradually Instead of immediately surrendering any hope by leaving everything she has ever known. Noras failure to accept to what she had really become led to the end of her life with Helmer, and her downfall in society. In the end Helmer downfall socially and emotionally became apparent. Throughout each of these plays, the main characters faced a reality that they cease to accept, and instead live in an illusion. The refusal to accept a reality or illusion led to the characters fall in status and/or emotional well being.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Example Essay Example
Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Example Paper Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Introduction Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy What makes a Shakespeare comedy identifiable if the genre is not distinct from the Shakespeare tragedies and histories? This is an ongoing area of debate, but many believe that the comedies share certain characteristics, as described below: Comedy through language: Shakespeare communicated his comedy through language and his comedy plays are peppered with clever word play, metaphors and insults. 1. Love: The theme of love is prevalent in every Shakespeare comedy. Often, we are presented with sets of lovers who, through the course of the play, overcome the obstacles in their relationship and unite. Love in Shakespearean comedy is stronger than the inertia of custom, the power of evil, or the fortunes of chance and time. In all of these plays but one (Troilus and Cressida), the obstacles presented to love are triumphantly overcome, as conflicts are resolved and errors forgiven in a general aura of reconciliation and marital bliss at the playâ₠¬â„¢s close. Such intransigent characters as Shylock, Malvolio, and Don John, who choose not to act out of love, cannot be accommodated in this scheme, and they are carefully isolated from the action before the climax. Complex plots: The plotline of a Shakespeare comedy contains more twists and turns than his tragedies and histories. Although the plots are complex, they do follow similar patterns. For example, the climax of the play always occurs in the third act and the final scene has a celebratory feel when the lovers finally declare their love for each other. Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Body Paragraphs Moreover, the context of marriageâ€â€at least alluded to, is the cap-stone of the comedic solution, for these plays not only delight and entertain, they affirm, guaranteeing the future. Marriage, with its promise of offspring, reinvigorates society and transcends the purely personal element in sexual attraction and romantic love. Mistaken identities: The plot is often driven by mistaken identity. Sometimes this is an intentional part of a villain’s plot, as in Much Ado About Nothing when Don John tricks Claudio into believing that his fiance has been unfaithful through mistaken identity. Characters also play scenes in disguise and it is not uncommon for female characters to disguise themselves as male characters, seen in Portia in the Merchant of venice. Shakespeare’s 17 comedies are the most difficult to classify because they overlap in style with other genres. Critics often describe some plays as tragi-comedies because they mix equal measures of tragedy and comed y. For example, Much Ado About Nothing starts as a Shakespeare comedy, but takes on the characteristics of a tragedy when Hero is disgraced and fakes her own death. At this point, the play has more in common with Romeo and Juliet, one of Shakespeare’s key tragedies. The 18 plays generally classified as comedy are as follows: 1 All’s Well That Ends Well 2 As You Like It 3 The Comedy of Errors 4 Cymbeline 5 Love’s Labour’s Lost 6 Measure for Measure 7 The Merry Wives of Windsor 8 The Merchant of Venice 9 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 10 Much Ado About Nothing 11 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 12 The Taming of the Shrew 13 The Tempest 14 Troilus and Cressida 15 Twelfth Night 16 Two Gentlemen of Verona 7 The Two Noble Kinsmen 18 The Winter’s Tale 2. 3. Comedy is a drama that provokes laughter at human behavior, usually involves romantic love, and usually has a happy ending. In Shakespeare’s day the conventional comedy enacted the struggle of young lovers to surmount some difficulty, usually presented by their elders, and the play ended happily in marriage or the prospect of marriage. Sometimes the struggle was to bring separated lovers or family members together, and their reunion was the happy culmination (this often involved marriage also). Shakespeare generally observed these conventions, though his inventiveness within them yielded many variations. 4. Eighteen plays are generally included among Shakespeare’s comedies. In approximate order of composition, they are. These works are often divided into distinct subclasses reflecting the playwright’s development. The first seven, all written before about 1598, are loosely classed as the ‘early comedies’, though they vary considerably in both quality and character. The last four of theseâ€â€Loves Labour’s Lost, the Dream, the Merchant, and the Merry Wivesâ€â€are sometimes separated as a transitional group, or linked with the next three in a large ‘middle comedies’ classification. The Merry Wives is somewhat anomalous in any case; it represents a type of comedyâ€â€the ‘city play’, a speciality of suchwriters as Ben Jonson and Thomas Dekkerâ€â€that Shakespeare did not otherwise write. The next three plays. Much Ado, As You Like It, and Twelfth Night, are often thought to constitute Shakespeare’s greatest achievement in comedy; all written around 1599-1600, they are called the romantic, or mature, comedies. The next group of three plays, called the Problem Plays, which include Alls Well that Ends Well, Troilus and Cressida, and Measure for Measure that were written in the first years of the 17th century, as Shakespeare was simultaneously creating his greatest tragedies. The final cluster, all written between about 1607 and 1613, make up the bulk of the playwright’s final period. They are known as the Romances which include Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest, and often The Two Noble Kinsman. (The problem plays and romances were intended to merge Tragedy and comedy in Tragicomedies. Many minor variations in this classification scheme are possible; indeed, the boundaries of the whole genre are not fixed, for Timon of Athens is often included among the comedies, and Troilus and Cressida is sometimes considered a tragedy. 5. Shakespeare’s earliest comedies are similar to existing plays, reflecting his inexperience. The Comedy of Errorsâ€â€thought by many scholars to be his first drama, though the dating of Shakespeare’s early works is extremely difficultâ€â€is built on a play by the ancient Roman dramatist Plautus. Characteristically, Shakespeare enriched his source, but with material from another play by Plautus. The Subplot of The Taming of the Shrew was taken from a popular play of a generation earlier, and the main plot was well known in folklore, though the combination was ingeniously devised. The Two Gentlemen of Verona likewise deals with familiar literary material, treating it in the manner of John Lyly, the most successful comedy writer when Shakespeare began his career. 6. However, the young playwright soon found the confidence to experiment, and in Loves Labour’s Lost, the Dream, and the Merchant, he created a group of unusual works that surely startled Elizabethan playgoers, though pleasurably, we may presume. In the first he created his own main plot and used a distinctively English variation on the Italian Commedia Dell’Arte traditions for a sub-plot. He thus produced a splendid array of comic situations. The play’s abundant topical humor was certainly appreciated by the original audiences, although today we don’t always know what it is about. In any case, the major characters are charming young lovers, the minor ones are droll eccentrics, and the closing coup de theatre, with which a darkening mood brings the work to a close, is a stunning in novation. Already, the eventual turn towards tragicomedy is foreshadowed. A Midsummer Night’s Dream mingles motifs from many sources, but the story is again the playwright’s own; moreover, the play’s extraordinary combination of oddity and beauty was entirely unprecedented and has rarely been approximated since. The Merchant of Venice mixes a social theme, usury, into a conventional comedy plot to deepen the resonance of the final outcome as well as to vary the formula. Here, the threat that is finally averted is so dire as to generate an almost tragic mood, again anticipating developments later in the playwright’s career. . The mastery that Shakespeare had achieved by the late 1590s is reflected in the insouciance of the titles he gave his mature comedies (Twelfth Night’s subtitleâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â„¢What You Will’â€â€matches the others). That mastery is accompanied by a serious intent that is lacking in the earliest comedies. Shakespeare co uld not ignore the inherent poignancy in the contrast between life as it is lived and the escape from life represented by comedy. In Much Ado, as in The Merchant of Venice, a serious threat to life and happiness counters the froth of a romantic farce. Even in As You Like It, one of the most purely entertaining of Shakespeare’s plays, the melancholy Jaques interposes his conviction that life is irredeemably corrupt. Feste’s song at the close of Twelfth Night gives touching expression to such sentiments, as he sends us from the theatre with the melancholy refrain, ‘the rain it raineth every day’ (5. 1. 391). We are not expected to take him too seriously, but we cannot avoid the realization that even the life of a jester may be a sad one. The mature comedies thus further a blending of comedy and tragedy. 8. In the end, however, all of Shakespeare’s comedies, including the later problem plays and romances, are driven by love. Love in Shakespearean comed y is stronger than the inertia of custom, the power of evil, or the fortunes of chance and time. In all of these plays but one (Troilus and Cressida), the obstacles presented to love are triumphantly overcome, as conflicts are resolved and errors forgiven in a general aura of reconciliation and marital bliss at the play’s close. Such intransigent characters as Shylock, Malvolio, and Don John, who choose not to act out of love, cannot be accommodated in this scheme, and they are carefully isolated from the action before the climax. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9. In their resolutions Shakespeare’s comedies resemble the medieval Morality Play, which centeres on a sinful human who receives God’s mercy. In these secular works, a human authority figureâ€â€Don Pedro or Duke Senior, for instanceâ€â€is symbolically divine, the opponents of love are the representatives of sin, and all of the participants in the closing vignette partake of the play’s love an d forgiveness. Moreover, the context of marriageâ€â€at least alluded to at the close of all but Troilus and Cressidaâ€â€is the cap-stone of the comedic solution, for these plays not only delight and entertain, they affirm, guaranteeing the future. Marriage, with its promise of offspring, reinvigorates society and transcends the purely personal element in sexual attraction and romantic love. Tragedy’s focus on the individual makes death the central fact of life, but comedy, with its insistence on the ongoing process of love and sex and birth, confirms our awareness that life transcends the individual. 10. We will write a custom essay sample on Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Common Features of a Shakespeare Comedy Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Dana Manciagli on What it Really Takes to Get a Job
Dana Manciagli on What it Really Takes to Get a Job Some job-seeking books are gentle and indirect. Dana Manciagli, on the other hand, is direct: Her book is titled Cut the Crap, Get a Job! As an experienced executive with 30 years in different industries, including a ten years as worldwide sales general manager for Microsoft, she’s seen more people hired (and not get hired) than most and knows exactly what goes wrong. She weighed in on cutting the crap and finding the job. Your book has a pretty direct title! What kind of crap do job seekers generally need to cut?â€Å"Crap†comes in two forms: mistakes and excuses. The unknowing job seeker steps in both types of crap and sabotages their job search efforts.How has looking for a job changed over the last few years?First, candidates need to accept that what used to work in past job searches is no longer effective or competitive. Then, they’ll need to be open to learning new job search techniques and begin applying them to the pursuit of their next career role s.So much has changed over the past five years and continues to change!TechnologyHiring companies are using technology to screen applicants; candidates need to know how to use technology to get jobs.Social MediaCompanies are using social media to find candidates, post jobs, and share information. Candidates need to master the correct use of social media to be found, to network, and to apply for jobs. They also need to learn what not to do on social media platforms.CompetitivenessThere are more applicants than ever applying for each job, so candidates need to learn how to get their credentials to the top of the pile and get an interview.InterviewsPhone interviews are on the rise and web-based interviews are emerging. Even face-to-face interviewing techniques have changed.How can job boards better help job seekers?I look at job boards as both a curse and a blessing. The curse: Candidates believe that spraying a large quantity of rà ©sumà ©s on the job boards will land them a job. Th e blessing: Job boards are a great place to learn about positions in the marketplace, what hiring companies are looking for, and more.People who are not sure about what they want to do next should use job boards to â€Å"window shop.†Too many career-changers or job seekers make up what I call â€Å"unicorns†or jobs that really don’t exist. Instead, they need to define a career goal that does exist in today’s market. Sure, â€Å"hidden jobs†are out there, but they would look pretty much like the positions listed on the boards.People who are updating their rà ©sumà ©s and LinkedIn profiles know they should use the keywords that the â€Å"buyer†is looking for. I give my coaching clients homework assignments to spend hours on the job boards and find the keywords on job descriptions for positions they are targeting.How do job seekers sabotage themselves without being aware of it?Unfortunately, job seekers make errors on every step of the jo b search process, from goal setting through negotiating an offer.Here are some of the top mistakes I see most often:Typos, grammatical errors, and misspells on virtually all job search correspondence- rà ©sumà ©s, emails, thank you notes, and more.Arriving late to meetings, appearing disheveled, presenting weak handshakes, and more.Being unprepared. Not researching the company, the division, or the decision-maker on LinkedIn.Not reading the job description in great detail and knowing- and being able to communicate- why you are the best fit for the position.What follow-up should we expect when we submit a rà ©sumà ©? Are recruiters or hiring companies just too buried to get back to you?Expect nothing. Manage your expectations and stop being the â€Å"victim†of reality. Having said that, if I had a magic wand, I would change this one tragedy: the overall treatment of job candidates. It’s horrible.Companies are focused on just one thing: hiring the right person for a specific position. They have limited resources and cannot commit to responding to every candidate. At best, you might receive an auto-rejection notice or auto-thank-you-for-applying email.The ball is in your court! You need to network your way into the â€Å"back door.†Your application is the â€Å"front door†and represents the first 5% of your effort. The next 95% of your time should be spent networking into the company. It makes all the difference!What trends in hiring should job seekers keep an eye on?Aside from the trends I just mentioned, here are more you should keep an eye on going forward:Mobile RecruitingAccording to a 2013 survey by LinkedIn, 72% of job seekers have visited a company’s career site on a mobile device. Companies are now building out their mobile recruiting strategies and implementing new technology. Candidates need to be careful, though! I’ve seen a lot of sloppy emails and poorly prepared applications sent from a candidateâ₠¬â„¢s mobile device! I still recommend using your computer for professional-looking business communications, produced with proper spelling and correct grammar, and that always include a full signature block.Social MediaSocial media will play an even larger role going forward. On the plus side, there will be more opportunities available on sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Careful, though, social media can hurt a candidate too, so learn what to do and not to do!For more from Dana, follow her on Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Health Care Informatic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health Care Informatic - Essay Example For instance, an employee with the proper security clearance can look up medical information on the patients he is treating, but he can also look up ex-girlfriends, neighbors and anyone else his security clearance allows him to access. Because of such abuse, many information systems professionals run random system checks to see which employees are accessing records and for what reasons. However, it is not feasible to think that every employee can be monitored all of the time. Health care informatics make a patient's medical information accessible to anyone that might need it, but they also make it vulnerable to prying eyes that don't. Even worse, information that is on a computer system may be vulnerable to access by outside parties that were never intended to access the system, like "hackers" for instance. Such people could perform mass identity thefts, since social security numbers and even credit card numbers are often stored in health care information systems. This would result in unimaginable losses for patients, as well pose a huge liability for the health care provider. Some people worry that security precautions have not been able to keep up with the speedy evolution of health care informatics, and this may be a valid concern. If an entire information system was crippled or destroyed by such a hostile attack - or even by an act of nature, like a flood or tornado - and the back-up systems for the data were not preserved, an entire healthcare network could lose countless patients' medical records, possibly putting the lives of some patients at risk or even causing possible deaths due to treatment errors. Th e shift from filing paper charts on patients to digitally storing medical records has definite advantages, but such technology certainly comes with a serious set of security risks. As with many modern medical topics, the subject of the ethical use of medical records is under great scrutiny. Should private insurance companies be allowed to use medical records to deny coverage to people who are too old Should life insurance be denied to people with genetic disadvantages, like maternal cancers or paternal hypertension Medical research questions also come into the debate. Is it fair to collect data and research from medical records without the consent of the patients For instance, can you look at the rate of blindness of patients with diabetes at a certain hospital without informing the patients or their families New technological advances are even making it possible to enter a patient's symptoms and allow a computer program to suggest a diagnosis. Many health care providers think this is a wonderful new technology that will assist doctors in caring for their patients, but many others think it will become a crutch that will prevent physicians from properly practic ing the art of medicine. When should computers be used to compile information Who should access this information How vulnerable does technology make medicine All of these questions about health care informatics will need to be answered as the field evolves. 2. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPAA, is an act issued by the United States government that attempts to define the relationship between a patient's right to confidentiality and the need for medical
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management Essay - 1
Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management - Essay Example The Business Plan The business plan is the enterprise on paper. It is an attempt to capture in so many words and graphs what the business would be or look like when it is eventually implemented. It is an attempt to depict on paper the idea brewing in the mind of a would-be entrepreneur that he feels very strongly would transform into a successful venture. The business plan is the idea initially taking textual and graphic form. Literature is abundant with what makes a good business plan. Many authors would establish business plan formats containing the elements that would make a sound plan composition together with the elements’ sequencing. This paper however shall not dwell on the creation and development of these elements but shall focus on the process of planning, providing weight to the issue of the why and the how of the planning process. Business Plan Elements and the Planning Process Kuratko and Hodgetts (2009) offer the following elements in a business plan: executive s ummary, the business opportunity, market potential, market analysis, competition analysis, technical data of product or service, commercial strategy, methodology of operation, vision-mission and financial projections. These elements however are outputs of an enterprise planning process that proceeds with the idea generation, setting up of strategic objectives, analysis and research of market, understanding competition, understanding the financials and formulating the competitive strategies (Kuratko and Hodgetts, 2009). Critical Analysis Seeding the Idea: It s simple logic that there is always a purpose or reason for business, and if one pursues the economic theory... The paper tells that it is simple logic that there is always a purpose or reason for business, and if one pursues the economic theory that business is meant to generate profits for its owners, it follows that the business must be attractive to its intended customers to generate a green bottom line. An enterprise begins with an idea, whether it is a product or service, and that idea must answer a need of the market. This process of idea generation is otherwise known as the creative process or simply, creativity. Of course, it is now known, courtesy of brilliant thinkers such as Harper and Drucker, that creativity is the seed of innovation, where innovation is the finished product or service that benefits the market. It was Drucker who said that â€Å"innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship – the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.†It would be necessary as an approach to this analysis to first define what an entrepreneur is b efore proceeding to create the attribute silhouette of the successful enterprise owner. As literature has an abundance of such a definition, this paper shall adopt the version of Drucker in his famous book Entrepreneurship and Innovation. An entrepreneur, according to Drucker, is one who always searches for change, responds to it and explores to the maximum its potential as an opportunity. Many authors and researchers have ventured into identifying the attributes that successful entrepreneurs possess.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
How To Straighten Teeth Without Wearing Braces English Language Essay
How To Straighten Teeth Without Wearing Braces English Language Essay You might wonder if it is really possible to straighten your teeth and have them in a pearly row without having to wear braces. A few years ago if you had buck teeth or uneven teeth then your only option of getting them straightened was to opt for braces. This is considered to be quite cumbersome as it involves the painful process of wearing braces. However this is a thing of the past. This will spare you from having to wear braces for years. You now do have the option of being able to cut short the process of straightening your teeth and not go through the painful and long drawn out process of having to wear braces. And yet go on to have the best of teeth. The latest is the use of invisalign in place of the traditional braces that have always been used. The way the invisalign is made is that it has a set of retainer like mouthpieces. The role of these are to ensure that your teeth are straight and in a row. It takes about a year to straighten out your teeth by using invisalign and sparing yourself the use of braces. However, the flip side to invisalign is that they work well on teeth with minor misplacement. Another option for you could be the use of veneers. The use of veneers ensures that you are able to apply them directly to your teeth and you wont have to deal with the old imperfect row of teeth any longer. There are two different kinds of veneers that you can choose from which are either porcelain or composite. You can discuss it further with the orthodontist regarding whether it will be the right kind of thing to opt for, for your kind of teeth. If your teeth are overcrowded then you might be able to go for cosmetic contouring rather than having braces on. This is an absolutely pain free process and will have your teeth reshaped by a cosmetic dentist. Within a visit or two to the dentist you will be done. Therefore, it does not take that long a process as with braces. There are removable orthodontic appliances that you can wear at night or on specific days. These though work best on the upper row of teeth. If you want to avoid the use of braces then this might work out to be a good enough option to talk over with the orthodontist. There are retainers that can help correct the alignment of the teeth. Ask your dentist if one of these can be designed specifically for your teeth. However, keep in mind that most of these techniques work for people who need minor corrections to their teeth. In case they need major straightening of the teeth then they might not be the right kind of candidate for this kind of procedure. If you have already worn braces for a while and then given up on them, then this kind of procedure will work fine for you. 11.   How Can I Remove Stains From Ceramic Braces? Many people prefer to opt for ceramic braces as they are less visible and intrusive. They are more aesthetic than the full metal ones. These ceramic braces need to be attached to the tooth surface using ligatures which are tiny rubber bands and thin metals. This helps in the realignment of the teeth. This in turn adds to the stain on the teeth as they easily pick up the stains from the food and drink that they are exposed to. This starts looking ugly and unattractive and can go on to give your teeth a really ugly yellowish hue to them. The first thing that you should do is to bring to the attention of the orthodontist the stains and how they affect you. The glue that is used will be minimized and regular visits to the orthodontist will ensure that you have no noticeable stains on your teeth. When you choose the colors for the ligature ensure that you choose right. There are some colors that stain less when compared to other colors. It is a not a good idea to opt for ligatures that are invisible and white in color as the chances of them getting stained are more. On the other hand ligatures that are dark in color such as blacks and maroons will stain less. The only thing that you might mind with these dark ligatures is that they make the wearing of braces obvious. Pastel colors are a good option and they show less of staining with enough good dental hygiene. The next thing that you need to consider in order to go on and keep your cosmetic braces and teeth stain free is good hygiene. This includes brushing and flossing of your teeth diligently and regularly. Ensure that you are able to reach the hard to reach areas as well. 12.   Take Care of Your Braces To Get The Best Smile If you want to be left behind with one of the most dazzling of smiles after the braces treatment then you do need to ensure that you take good care of the braces. The thing is that when you have braces on you have more bands, brackets and wires in your teeth than you will have at any other time in your life. This makes brushing of your teeth far more difficult that is the reason you need to learn of the right way to go about and brush your teeth. Also, with the braces on you will not be able to chew in the most normal of fashions. This is one of the reasons why you should maintain top hygienic conditions in order to avoid any development of cavities in your teeth. This can further foster the entrapment of food and pieces of your meal which can go on to create tartar and plaque on your teeth. As you brush between the wires of your braces you should ensure that you take due care of them. Also you should ensure that you do follow the restrictions that have been laid down by your orthodontist. This will go on to increase the treatment options and within no time your braces will be off and you will be left behind with a sparkling smile to boot. Ensure that you make the right food choices when you have your braces on. Do not gorge on sticky food as this will cause more dental decay and make it difficult for you to go on and clean between your braces. Also, try and eliminate hard and crunchy foods from your diet as this might go on to harm your braces and interfere with the treatment. The hard food can go on to bend and warp the braces which will interfere with your treatment. Also, the rubber bands will be loosened and this will not go on to place enough tension on to your teeth. Do not put anything into your mouth whilst you have braces on such as pencils, pens, fingers, ice cubes as this will affect your braces. Do not eat food with a high content of citric acid as it will make your teeths enamel weak and dissolve it. The next thing to keep in mind when you have your braces on is that you do need to take the utmost care of your teeth and hygiene in fact more than what you did previously. What you need to do is to brush and floss your teeth diligently at least three times a day if not multiple amounts of times. Also, floss with great care so as to remove the hidden particles of food from every nook and crevice of your teeth. Do not bite your fingernails or plastic packaging. If you take all of these considerations, the moment you remove your braces you will be left behind with the most dazzling of smiles. 13 Affordable Orthodontics How to Find Cheap Dental Braces You know htat you need to have braces on your teeth in order to straighten them out and get the best smile possible for yourself, but what is holding you back in the cost for the braces. Do not despair as there are ways by which you can go on to have the best possible braces for yourself without emptying out your wallet. What you need to consider is the finding of cheap dental braces. There are ways in which you can go on to save big money on your braces. You might want to look at your insurance policy but unless you have a separate policy for dental care your policy will not go on to cover it. Moreover, you should have taken the policy way before the need for one arose. Also, with the insurance policy there is a specified limit and once you go on to cross that limit you will not find any further financial help. Another alternative to this is to opt for a discounted dental plan. This is a plan that goes on to offer you a hefty discount on the orthodontist treatment that you opt for. This discounted dental plan goes on to work even for existing concerns unlike in the case of an insurance plan. What you need to do is to join the plan and then you can avail of the discounts right away. Another way to get yourself cheap braces is to discuss it with your orthodontist or their office. You might feel hesitant and embarrassed to ask for a discount but you will be amazed at the amount that you can save that way. There are dentists who might offer you a discount in their fees or the materials that goes into the treatment for braces. There are several trainee hospitals that need patients for their students to be able to learn. You can take an appointment with one of these. These might be completely free or they might just charge you for the materials used. You need not worry as the students are under the strict vigilance of their coach who is a trained professional orthodontist. The only flip side to this is that it might take a wee bit longer than envisaged. But, it is certainly worth it as you end up getting the treatment almost free of cost. If you are looking for saving more money on the braces then you can let your orthodontist know about that and they will show you braces that are not that aesthetic to look at but work just as well. these are priced at a far more lower rate and they actually work in straightening out your teeth and getting you a discount as well. The approximate costs for braces works out to be about $5000 but if you play it smart you can get them done at a far cheaper rate than that. 14 How to Clean Your Mouth With Dental Braces When you have braces on your mouth is going to be filled with wires, brackets and metal of all kind. This will make it all the more hard for an ordinary tooth brush to reach the various parts of your mouth and teeth. But, it is absolutely imperative that you brush and floss diligently several times in a day if you want to keep cavity and gum disease at bay. That is one of the reasons why you need to adopt a stringent hygiene control method that will have you cleaning your teeth and mouth in the right manner. you need to ensure that you eat the right kinds of food that are not sticky and hard so as to stick to your teeth and be hard for a brush to remove. Also, avoid food that is highly acidic in nature in order to guard your teeth enamel against weakening and wearing off. Avoid all kinds of food that is high in fructose and glucose as they are sticky and a natural breeding ground for bacteria. The first thing to remember when you have braces on is to brush and floss your teeth after every meal that you eat. Before you go to bed at night it is imperative that you clean your mouth well and remove all traces of food from it. You need a soft brush and one that is able to give you a thorough brushing. Make your toothbrush and toothpaste your best friends and carry them along with you wherever you go. This will enable you to get into the habit of brushing after every meal no matter where you are. Every time that you visit your orthodontist they will clean your teeth professionally in order to remove any build up of plaque and tartar. There are dentists that might go on to apply braces wax on your teeth in order to go on and protect it from the harmful effect of food on it. Also, there are a few readymade braces cleaning kits available in the market. The braces kit will consist of a range of toothbrushes, toothpastes, and dental wax. When you have all of this in one place you will be more likely to reach out for them and use them. Make sure that you pay special attention to the kind of toothpaste and tooth brush that you use. The toothbrush should have an angular head and be able to brush at all angles. The bristles on it should be soft. The toothbrush should have special ingredients to help it fight tooth decay and work at it for a longer duration. There is no two ways about oral hygiene being extremely important and more so when you have braces on. You need to strive really hard to keep your teeth; braces and mouth squeaky clean and stop the buildup of bacteria in them. Using all of these techniques you are bound to have teeth that are sparkling even with braces on. 15.   Things to Know Before Getting Dental Braces Is there one person in this world who does not want the best of smiles? A good smile is one that has all the teeth in a row and sparking white. All of us are not gifted with the best of teeth but with the help of braces you can go on to significantly straighten out your teeth. Braces are certainly going to be good for you but you need to ask a few relevant and pertinent questions before you go about with them. This will enable you to know what you are getting into. The first thing that you should ask your orthodontist is about the treatment and how long will it take. You will also want to find out the cost about the treatment for the braces so that you arent in for any unpleasant shocks mid-way through the treatment. Also, ask if you need braces for the top and the bottom row of teeth. This can further lower the cost for you. Furthermore, check the kind of braces that you will get. Will they be metal, ceramic or invisalign? This will decide on the cost. The average costs of braces come up to $5000. The next thing for you to do is to find out whether your insurance plan will cover the cost for the braces and how much of it. Go though the insurance policy that you have in order to find that out. Ask your orthodontist what you should expect at each stage of the braces treatment. This will allow you to know the exact duration, and outcomes so that you wont be disappointed or expect more than need be. When you are asking your orthodontist the questions ensure that you ask them about the care and precautions that you will have to take with your braces on. This will ensure that you are ready to make all the sacrifices needed in order to go ahead and eat the right kind of food. You will have to realize that you will have to give up smoking, all kinds of carbonated drinks and sticky sugary food. But all of this is certainly going to be worth it when you see your smile in the mirror and your teeth in a straight row. Also, you will be able to gain the kind of confidence like none other. You might also want to ask your orthodontist which braces will suit you the best. If your teeth are really crooked and need a whole lot of straightening work to be done on them then you need metallic braces. There are also the latest almost transparent invisalign braces. Ask the right kind of questions and get yourself for the most beautiful of smiles once your braces are off. When you go in for the next dental check up and are considering getting yourself braces then go on and ask these questions to your dentist to make the right decision. 16.   Teeth and Gums Care While Wearing Dental Braces The good thing about wearing braces is that you will be able to get your teeth in line and the smile that you deserve. However, the flip side to wearing braces is that you need to ensure that you maintain the best of hygiene in order to be able to keep your teeth and gums in top notch condition. There are several hard to reach areas in your mouth and they become all the more difficult once you have metals and wires in your mouth. Under that circumstance, what you need to do is to ensure that you clean your mouth multiple times in a day. This will make certain that you are able to avoid cavities and the multiplying of harmful bacteria in your mouth. The first thing that you need to ensure once you have the braces on is the dental hygiene and the time and effort that you devote to it. You dont want to be left with straight teeth but those full of carries. That will certainly serve no purpose for you. Invest in a braces cleaning kit. This will consist of different kinds of toothbrushes such as the angular headed ones that are able to reach the most hidden of nooks and crevices in your mouth. Also, you will need a special kind of toothpaste that is good at fighting tooth decay and works for a longer time. The onus of brushing and flossing your teeth regularly lies completely on you. Braces can be one of the hardest of appliances to brush because of the multitude of rubber bands, wires and metals on them. If you dont brush well enough then you can be left behind with the most ugly of stains on your teeth that will refuse to go away. Do not allow any particles of food to cling to your teeth. With vigilant and stringent brushing you will be able to remove them right away. Also, ensure that you gargle after every mouthful that you eat. This will ensure that you have no food particles and harmful bacteria left in your mouth. Another thing that you need to care about is the kind of food that you eat. There are chances of the braces breaking or the rubber bands losing their tension if the food that you eat is hard, crunchy and hard to bite. Therefore, the best thing is to avoid these kinds of food that can not only hamper with your braces treatment but also come in between the way you are able to maintain your teeth. Try and avoid a whole lot of uncooked food as they are not only tough but tend to harbor more bacteria on them. This will go on to gather more tartar and plaque. Acidic food and carbonated drinks will wear off the enamel off your teeth and leave permanent stains on them. Avoid these while you have braces on. All these techniques will ensure that you are able to keep your teeth sparklingly clean and tidy. 17.   Take Care of Your Braces To Get The Best Smile Once you have decided to get yourself braces the next thing that you should ensure for the optimum success of the treatment is that you take good care of them. Usually, a braces treatment lasts about two years and within those two years if you take care of your braces you will come out with a row of the pearliest white teeth. The two things that you need to keep in mind are that you need to be careful about the kind of food and drink that you choose and the maintenance of dental and gum hygiene. Once you are able to care for these two things you will be able to go about your natural activities and ensure that the braces last you throughout the treatment. Also, you will be able to get for yourself the best of smiles ever in the shortest of duration. The care that you take of the rubber bands, the metal wires and the overall braces bracket will ensure that they work really well for you. The best thing for you to do is to go ahead and brush your teeth in the right manner. With the help of the right brushing technique you will be able to brush your teeth in such a way that there is no build up of hidden food at all. Ask your orthodontist about the right way of brushing and flossing and they will be able to guide you about this. The mouth care regime should become one of your top most priorities once you have braces on. This will ensure that you are able to care for your teeth and gums and not have any cavities developing in them. The best thing about the braces is that the care for them is really simple and you need not invest in a whole lot of expensive material to do so. All that you need is a braces kit that consists of the right kind of toothbrushes, toothpastes and flossing material. The next thing that you need to ensure is what kind of food that you eat with the braces on. You need to avoid hard and sticky food as that is the thumb rule with braces on. Do not keep anything in your mouth such as pens, pencils and your fingers as well. avoid a whole lot of raw food such as apples and carrots as biting into them is difficult and might cause you problems. Do not have too many carbonated and acidic drinks as well as this will go on to wear off the enamel and make your teeth stain easily. Sticky food such as gum, sweets, food with a whole lot of sucrose and fructose in it, chips, popcorn and peanuts are best avoided when you have braces. With this minimal amount of care you will be just fine with your braces on. 18.   Color Ideas for Braces Gone are the days and times when wearing braces was considered to be the end of fashionable you. Rather, with the new age braces you can choose from the ample amount of different colors available and go on to make the best fashion statements possible. You will love the way you have so much of color variety. There are almost thirty or so colors that you can go on and choose from. The first thing that you should do is to find out from your orthodontist what the colors that they would recommend are. Ask for the color wheel at the orthodontist to get an idea of it. The dentist will be able to tell you about the different kind of hues and color tones that look good on teeth, your face, your personality and facial features. The usual colors that people usually reach out for dark shades such as blues, reds and maroons. The colors that you certainly need to keep away from are whites and yellows as they highlight the stains on your teeth and make them look yellowish. The colors that you can choose can be according to your affiliations. You can go on and choose the colors of your country, your school or the sports team that you love. You need not only pick one color. Rather you can go on to be as creative as possible. You can choose different colors for alternate teeth such as odd and even. You can also choose different colors for your upper and lower teeth. There are several color selectors online that can help you in your choice of colors. If you like Barbie doll and are a girl then you can pick pink. This is considered to be a real hot color for braces at the moment. In pink you can choose different shades such as hot pink and baby doll pink. All that you need to do is to let your imagination and creative side run wild. You can keep in mind the current festivals, celebrations and match the colors of your braces according to that. Another way of matching the color on your braces is with the help of the colors that are predominant in your wardrobe. You will love the way you can get the most worn color or a contrast to that color on to your braces. It is so much fun to choose the best of color braces and flaunt your color style on your teeth. You will love the way you are able to make a fashion statement with the help of your braces. You can choose the color combination of orange and black for Halloween or for Thanksgiving yellow and black. Go ahead and use your braces to add on the right kind of fun element. However, keep one thing in mind that the colors the way they will look on a color selector spectrum or on the color wheel might be slightly different in reality based on the colors, the materials used and how they reflect the light on your teeth. 19 Red White And Blue Invisible Braces a comprehensive view The most used colors for braces and therein the most popular as ones are bound to be red, white and blue. This is because they look really wonderful and ensure that your teeth will look the whitest. There are several patients who love to wear braces as it promises them teeth that are in a straight line. Teeth that are aligned well enough will make so much of a difference to the way you look. This will go on to affect your personal and professional life as well. However, people werent sure of wearing braces because of the way that they would make them look but with the new age color invisalign braces on, they have become more of a color co-ordinate fashion statement for the youth. In fact people who dont have braces have begun to wish that they did. The best of colors to choose from are red and blue. The reason being these dark colors reflect the light that falls on them really well making your teeth look brighter and whiter than what they are. On the other hand be careful when you use white for your braces. The reason behind this is that white stains easily and because of this you will have your teeth magnifying any stains on them, having a yellowish hue and tinge on them. What you can do in case of white braces is to brush your teeth stringently and change the color at your next visit to the orthodontist. The three colors red, white and blue are the perfect colors to use for invisible braces. It will go on to add the right color spark and at the same time help in straightening out your teeth. This will give you the right kind of cutting edge in your braces treatment. The invisalign braces are the latest in braces technology and it will help you to straighten out your teeth and minimize any gaps that exist between them. The new age innovative designs along with the best of colors will ensure that you are able to use the very best of technology to get the kind of teeth that you have always dreamed of. Even before the braces are of, long before that you will be able to go ahead and bare your teeth and smile at the world as the color braces will add the right zing to wearing braces. The red, blue colors will add the right kind of sparkle and color. if you dont want your braces to be noticeable then you can go for the invisible white color in your braces. You can remove them when you want to and every six to seven weeks at your next orthodontists visit you can go ahead and change the color. You will love the way the new age color braces can empower you. 20.   How to Prevent White Spots From Braces If you have been wearing braces for a long time and when you remove them, you might notice white spots on your teeth. These white spots can be for a multitude of reasons. But, now that your braces are off you do want to go ahead and remove them so that you have the well-aligned pearly set of teeth ever. The first thing for you to keep in mind is that these white spots are predominantly formed from the food that gets entrapped in between the wires and metal of the braces and the bacteria start to work on it. The first thing that you should ensure is the best of oral hygiene. Constant brushing and flossing of the teeth at regular intervals will ensure that the white spots are not there or minimalistic white spots are there once you remove your braces. Ensure that you use fluoridated toothpaste as that will ensure that there is no build up of bacteria on your teeth. Also, use a toothbrush with an angular head so that it is able to reach all the nooks and crevices of your teeth. As soon as you eat something you should go ahead and brush your teeth and if you cant do that then rinse your mouth with water. When you have your braces on avoid acidic food. This will wear off the enamel on your teeth and will go on to make your teeth look yellowish and stained. You need to avoid all kinds of sugary food such as candies, brownies, carbonated drinks, sticky food and the like if you want no spots to be left behind once your braces are off. Also, at the next visit to your orthodontist ask him if you need to take any other precautions in order to ensure that what is left behind after the braces treatment are teeth that are not only straight but sparkling and pearly white. Look at your tooth brush carefully and replace it often enough. The bristles on your toothbrush should be soft and reach the hardest to reach area in your mouth. What you need to do is to brush as often as possible and the moment you see your toothbrush showcasing signs of wear and tear then go ahead and replace it. Also, when you have your braces on go ahead and drink plenty of water after you have eaten. This is an easy way to dislodge any food particles that might be stuck in your mouth and in between teeth. If you must use a mouthwash then dont use the ones that are bought off the shelf. These contain alcohol that go on to dry your mouth and results in more problems. Make a mouthwash at home if you must using herbs such as mint. There can be nothing to replace regular brushing and flossing of your teeth if you want to have no stains on your teeth after the braces are removed. The one simple rule is that if you want to avoid white spots keep your teeth clean.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Isabel Allendes The House of the Spirits Essay examples -- Isabel All
Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits In many novels, relationships shape a character. Throughout Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits dissimilar individuals constantly come together to form relationships that change or develop their disposition. While Allende uses relationships to build upon a character, she also depicts a character's living environment in order to confirm their true soul and lifestyle. Due to the observation of both relationships and environments, a character's true qualities are expressed to a reader. The relationship between two individuals, Ferula and Clara, proves itself a positive product of the union of differing people. Through analysis of Ferula's home and close observation of her bond with Clara, Allende reveals Ferula's true character as she illustrates Ferula's dramatic change from a desolate soul to the selfless and loving character that molds Clara into the confident woman she aspires to. Ferula's life story, the desolation of her soul, and the connection she eventually has with Clara all became evident in the mere description of her living environment. At one point in the novel, Clara wrote of her experience in the vicinity of Ferula?s home. Clara explained that ?The tenement was a long passageway of ruined houses, all exactly the same; small impoverished dwellings built of cement, each with a single door and two windows. They were painted in drab colors and their peeling walls were linked across the narrow passageway by wires hung from side to side. [She] walked deeper into the neighborhood, avoiding puddles of dirty water that overflowed from the gutters and dodging piles of garbage in which cats were digging like silent shadows. In the center of the little... ...ship with Clara, Ferula became one of the most dynamic characters within The House of the Spirits. From ?ruined houses? to a life giving ?fountain? Allende demonstrated the great transformation of Ferula?s soul from complete desolation to true love. The bond she shared with Clara proved itself as one that could not compare to any others within the novel. Clara ?always was thinking of [Ferula]?(152), demonstrating the great impression Ferula left with her. No other relationships developed such a transformation as did this one. Truly, Ferula?s love influenced Clara?s life and molded her heart with the love and confidence that forever remained in the Trueba household and its memories. Works Cited: Allende, Isabel. The House of the Spirits. Trans. Magda Bogin. New York: Bantam Books, 1986. Trans. of La casa de los espiritus. Barcelona: Plaza and James. 1982.
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