Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Teh Difference Between Online Dating and Traditional Essays
Teh Difference Between Online Dating and Traditional Essays Teh Difference Between Online Dating and Traditional Essay Teh Difference Between Online Dating and Traditional Essay Every day millions of single people share a common goal. They share the desire in finding a romantic life partner, someone with whom they can share their hopes and dreams, someone with whom they can grow old. Most singles date several people before they find their true loves. However, the way people date today has changed drastically with the use of the Internet.Although many people prefer online dating to the traditional dating approach, both can have safety, deception, and time issues. Despite its challenges, online dating has become one of the fastest growing alternatives techniques of dating. According to Dr. Gregory Forge, â€Å"More than 60% of all Internet users spend about two or more hours each day looking for romance. In North American, about 10 to 30 million people have created an outline dating profile. There is no doubt single people are willing to try anything to find their romantic partner. †Many people prefer online dating because they can search quickly for av ailable candidates. From the collection of various people, they can then narrow their search to people who meet their specific criteria, and later, if the two people are not compatible, the dater can click a button and continue searching for the next candidate. While using the traditional dating method, they would have to waste time going on several dates just to realize they had wasted their time. The only disadvantage of the filter method is the competition the potential dater would encounter.For example, if someone were in a grocery store and decided to approach someone and ask for a phone number, they would have only a few minutes to evaluate that person and decide if they wanted to give their number to them or not, asking themselves if this is someone they would date. However, if they were to meet online, and share e-mails back and forth, then asking for a number would not be as risky because they would more than likely have compared them to the other emails they had recently r eceived and would think to themselves, â€Å"Is this a possible Mr. r Mrs. Right? †Internet users and online daters both suspect that many people are dishonest about their marital statuses on dating websites. In his article, â€Å"The Truth about Online Dating, â€Å" Robert Epstein shares survey research conducted by media researcher Jeana Frost of Boston University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: â€Å"Quite a bit of Internet users agree that people who use online dating lie about their marital status; 57 % agree that many people lie, 18 % disagree, and 25 % say they do not know.Those with lower levels of income or education are more likely than the average Internet user to suspect that people lie. †In addition, about 20 % of online daters admit to deception. If they ask them how many other people are lying, however, an interviewing tactic that probably gets closer to the truth, that number jumps to 90 % (p. 31). Interestingly, misrepresentation co mes in many forms and for different reasons. Some forms and levels of misrepresentation are acceptable by daters, while others are perceived as a nuisance.The most common lies are about age, marital or parental status, appearance, income, or profession. Misrepresentation is also very common practice in face-to-face encounters. For instance, during a job interview, or while on a date, people seek acceptance and try to portray themselves as socially accepted models, and with what the people are looking for, based on the feedback that they get from the interaction. Studies show that relational goals are strongly linked to misrepresentation. Those who are looking for serious long-term relationships are less inclined to lie on their profiles.A dating website that charges a certain amount for its services is most likely to gather members with relational goals looking to truly find lifelong partners. While online dating has become relatively common, a large portion of Americans still do no t believe that the practice itself is safe. Unlike traditional dating that generally protects people’s personal information, using an online dating site, like any other form of social networking, requires users to share personal information about themselves on the Internet. This adds a certain level of vulnerability at a time when safety is harder than ever to ensure.The safety of dating websites is additionally in question because of the relative ease with which users are able to deceive potential partners. A study investigated questions of safety and victimization experiences related to online dating versus more traditional forms of dating. The deception of online dating has become somewhat of a cultural phenomenon, spawning both movies and an entire television show (Catfish on MTV) dedicated to deciphering whether online partners are representing themselves accurately (Jerin amp; Dolinsky, 2001).Traditional dating safety tips that women should always keep in mind are: 1. T ake your car to meet your date at the restaurant or movies. 2. Do not leave your drink unattended, especially in places such as bars. 3. Always tell a friend where you are going for your date. 4. Tell people the name and contact information for the person you are out with. 5. Have a â€Å"safe phrase†in case of danger. 6. Do not go back to the home of your date. 7. Do not allow your date to know where you live. 8.Carry maze or a knife. (Salmon) The reason they will want to meet their date at the location of choice is so that they do not become trapped in a potentially dangerous situation. Telling a friend or two exactly where they will be on their date, the contact information of the person with whom they are going out, a picture of the person, and an estimated time of when they should be expected home is an ideal way to make sure that appropriate help can be given in the event they do not return home as expected.By taking these few precautionary dating tips, they will be su re to be safe and secure with all of the dates with people they barely know. Although online dating and traditional dating are both very much used, they each have safety issues, deception issues, and time issues, so people would have to be very careful either way in the dating scene. There is not one better than the other. When looking for love, anyone can all be blind-sided.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Disparate vs Desperate
Disparate vs Desperate Disparate vs Desperate Disparate vs Desperate By Ali Hale Two words that sometimes get confused are â€Å"disparate†and â€Å"desperate†. They have quite different meanings, but they can sound very similar in some accents, and if you’re using autocorrect, you might find that you get the wrong one. What Does â€Å"Disparate†Mean? Disparate is an adjective that refers to things that are separated in some way – and perhaps even incompatible with one another. defines it as meaning â€Å"distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar.†It comes from the Latin â€Å"disparatus†, meaning â€Å"separate.†Here are a couple of examples of â€Å"disparate†in use: Perhaps Labour’s most significant proposal in its manifesto was for a national education service (NES), a scheme to join up the disparate elements of education, providing free lifelong learning from nurseries through schools to universities and adult education. (From The Guardian) To understand patriotisms uneasy place in Nigeria, you have to go back to 1914 when the Southern and Northern protectorates and Lagos Colony were brought together to form a single country. In the process about 250 disparate groups including the three major ones of Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba were welded together in a Tower of Babel of sorts. (From the BBC.) While â€Å"disparately†is also a valid word (it’s an adverb), it’s rare to come across it being used. What Does â€Å"Desperate†Mean? The word â€Å"desperate†is, like â€Å"disparate†, an adjective. â€Å"Desperate†has the same route as the word â€Å"despair†, and it is used for several different purposes: Wanting something very badly (e.g. â€Å"I’m desperate for a cup of tea.†) Indicating that something is very serious or bad (e.g. â€Å"Our situation is desperate. We are completely out of supplies.†) Being willing to do something risky or extreme (e.g. â€Å"The rescuers took desperate measures to reach the stranded children.†) As an adverb, â€Å"desperately†can be used to modify a verb (e.g. â€Å"She desperately needed to sleep.†) Here are three examples of â€Å"desperate†in use: In a study of 872 acquisitions made by 401 firms, the authors found that managers who were desperate to show growth- as measured by their firm’s weak growth as compared to that of comparable companieswere more likely to overpay for an acquisition. (From If you approach your job search with the mindset I dont care what kind of job I get -  I just need a job!, that desperate energy will radiate from you in waves and everyone around you will feel it. (From Period poverty is pushing women in Zimbabwe to desperate measures – and the homeless are bearing the brunt of the crisis, according to campaigners. (From The Independent) If you’re struggling to know which you should use at any given time, remember: Disparate can usually be replaced in a sentence with the word â€Å"separate†. Desperate can usually be replaced in a sentence with the word â€Å"wanting†or the word â€Å"extreme†, depending on how it’s being used. In most situations, especially in informal writing such as social media posts, the word you want is likely to be â€Å"desperate†. Don’t trust your autocorrect if you end up with â€Å"disparate†instead. Desperate vs Disparate Quiz For each of the following sentences, select the word that makes the most sense: 1. When I finally finished the run, I was [desperate/disparate] for a drink of water. desperate disparate 2. This program of study combines several [desperate/disparate] elements. desperate disparate 3. In these terrible times, we must take [desperate/disparate] measures. disparate desperate 4. I am [disparately/desperately] keen to work in the tourism industry. desperately disparately Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Signs and Symbols You Should Know35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionCareful with Words Used as Noun and Verb
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How far is it true that madness before the enlightenment is understood Essay
How far is it true that madness before the enlightenment is understood in primarily religious terms - Essay Example This period was to see a great positive shift in tyranny, ignorance, superstition and to build a good reputation in the world (Macdonald, 1981). With this plan, the enlightenment had hereditary domination by aristocrats and religion as their sole targets. The logic behind the Enlightenment period is all about Christianity as far as religion is concerned. From Italy to England to France, this major vibrant religion had its ideas affect day-to-day lives of many. Ideally, there would not have been any form of enlightenment without Christianity. Churchmen almost had equal rights and powers as emperors and many other rulers that existed then with some privileges being exemption from paying taxes (J. Schmidt, 2007). Philosophers, thinkers and scholars like John Locke and Voltaire sparked the enlightenment. Other significant names during this period were Isaac Newton, who was a great physicist and later recognized as father of modern physics, and Baruch Spinoza. These are just but a few int ellectuals who saw religion as a â€Å"cage†that bared man from success and development. They also articulated scientific revolution, which would later spread overseas to the rest of the world (Jeremy Schmidt, 2007). Popularly known as the â€Å"Dark Ages,†this movement brought logical positivism to people. Life initially had been all about God and that the rupture is uncertain when the pure in heart would be live in Heaven forever. Because of this, intellects were to be the elites of their time as they acted sources of credible information (Allen, 2008). There was an overall rise in ideas based on empiricism and credible philosophy hence their application in a variety of areas like biology, physics, chemistry and political economy. All these theories attacked the church and the state directly. Christians today have the question of possibly knowing the truth as their main foundational philosophical challenge. The human mindset has taken two dimensions in our society today. Either one is of relativism or skepticism. Relativism is based on the statement that there is really no fixed truth. Skepticism on the other hand says the truth lives but we cannot know it (Midelfort, 1999). As preachers spread the word across the entire world, these two mindsets affect all the claims of truth for Christians of these days. Religious Perceptions about God Way back before Enlightenment God was like sunrise. Choosing the path of God was seen as a way of having all human questions answered and accompanied problems solved amicably. Christianity had its feet on the Bible as a way of knowing God. Bibles were Holy books from which people got the relevant knowledge they needed to stay close to their creator. The Old Testament was in its capacity a form of ‘constitution’ that had all solutions to political questions. Historical events were seen as a service to God’s will and they were understood to work according to God’s plan (Feld, 2011). S torms, floods and heavy rains were believed to be a form of â€Å"communication†from a supernatural being. Therefore, these events were not just chances. God was always involved ever since He created the world with everything in it many years before Christ with man being the highest level of His creation. Christ was the son of God who lived among the people, brought the Godly message, and later ascended to Heaven. To this there was a strong belief will be a last Judgment when Christ will return and few will be chosen for an eternal life. This, to some, made the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What Does it Mean to be Competent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
What Does it Mean to be Competent - Essay Example The undertakings are enormous and the intensity to excel is at its best (Kincheloe 1999). This is an element of discerning success which the vocational education seekers have envisaged for their own selves with regards to their very future domains. What is even better is the fact that they know that short term educational drives would turn them into instantly successful business personnel, which would ultimately help their own cause in the long run. Vocational education is an interesting mode of learning and one that aims to build new frontiers, explore new basics and learn a thing or two about the different realms that the vocational education seekers have their hands firmly grasped upon. It was until the 20th century that formal provision of vocational education remained confined to some specific trade areas. Among these, the automobile vendors like a mechanic and a welder remained supreme. They received vocational education in order to become successful at their trade first hand. It gave them the much-needed niche as well as a point of advantage when they were compared with the educated fraternity who also knew much the same trade. The builders, joiners, mechanics and welders were specialized in their trade and hence given the respect that they deserved (Jennings 1995). This was transferred to other areas of business with the passage of time. However, one aspect that remained ingrained with these welders and mechanics was that they were from the lower socio-economic classes and hence not paid according to their labour and hard work that was put in, day in day out. There was a sense of stigmatization within the society when it came down to these professionals, wh o attained vocational education with regards to their respective work domains. In the olden times, vocational education was directly linked with apprenticeship and hence there is reason enough to believe that the two were used in an interchangeable fashion.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Underneath Essay Example for Free
The Underneath Essay The book I most recently read is The Underneath by Kathi Appelt. The book is a fictional book where all creatures can talk to each other. The book has a strange way of telling its story. The story follows many points view, the cats, Grandmother Snake, the Alligator King, Ranger, Gar Face, and more characters. Somehow all of these characters stories tie up together. The book mainly follows the cat’s story. The story starts of when the calico cat, or the mother cat, which was pregnant was abandoned on the highway trying to look for a home. She then finds her way to an old tilted house where a bloodhound called Ranger lives. She liked Ranger but Ranger had an evil owner called Gar Face. Because of Gar Face the calico cat had to stay under the house, which was called the Underneath. After a while the calico cat gave birth to two kittens, Puck and Sabine, and from them did the calico cat made her rule, â€Å"Stay in the Underneath, never go in the Open. †At that part everyone else’s story starts to connect. Gar Faces story finally comes in, and we learn why he is so evil. The story explains about his past when his father bet him and he ran off into the woods. He was hungry, sad, tired but most of all angry. Later he hunts down this deer which he shot and for hours he chased it until it finally gave up and fell, and he learned two things that day how to hunt and survive in the wild and hatred. Later in the story we find out about Grandmother Snake and the Alligator King and they become very important in the end of the story. But Grandmother Snake is filled with loneliness and hatred from her daughter leaving her and from the jar she is stuck in. The Alligator King also has a rivalry between himself and Gar Face. One day one of the kittens, Puck, went out to the Open and got caught by Gar Face and his mother tries to help but she got caught also, leaving Pucks sister behind with Ranger tied up to his chain. They both were put in a bag and when they were in the bag the calico cat asked her son to promise her to break Rangers chain, and Puck kept his promise. That’s when Gar Face threw the bag with the two cats inside into a pond where the calico cat drowns. In the end the Grandmother snake breaks free from her jar and helps Ranger break free. Puck starts attacking Gar Face and at one point Puck pounced on Gar Face’s face where Gar Face grabbed him and threw him into the lake, and Gar Face kneeled down to pour water o his face from the lake, and the last thing he saw was a big grin from the Alligator King. Then finally Ranger and the two kittens were able to run off to a place far away.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Fitzgeralds Taps At Reveille Essay -- Fitzgerald Taps At Reveille Ess
Fitzgerald’s â€Å"Taps At Reveille†During his lifetime, Scott Fitzgerald was known primarily as a short-story writer. In his twenty-year career, he published a hundred and sixty-four stories in various magazines, and forty-four were written in the last six years of his life. Published by Scribner’s in 1935, â€Å"Taps At Reveille†, a short-story collection, composed eighteen of those last efforts. Critics met it with mixed reviews: one called it â€Å"appealing†1 while another, â€Å"feeble and inadequate†1. But the 1930’s were particularly difficult years for the Fitzgeralds. By mid-decade (and the year of publication for â€Å"Taps At Reveille†) Scott’s drinking had spiraled into full blown alcoholism, Zelda, Scott’s wife, was in the throes of a third schizophrenic break-down which would require hospitalization, and both Fitzgeralds were heavily in debt 3. In addition, the United States was in the middle of the Great Depression, which exacerbated money-related problems for everyone. Matters never really improved for Fitzgerald after â€Å"Taps†came out. Around 1934 he began to write stories alm...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Howard Schultz Essay
Organization culture has been defined and studied in many and varied ways. Culture is defined as the set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms shared by members of an organization (Daft, 2012). The culture of an organization is going to play a big role in the success of the company. No matter how big or how small the company is, maintaining a culture that all employees can live by. Having all employees on board with the company’s mission will pay off a great deal in the long run. Starbucks is one of the premier coffee shops in the United States and their mission tell consumers what they do to maintain a huge customer base, to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time (www. starbucks. com). This paper will help consumers understand Starbucks’ organizational culture and the key leadership and management traits used to execute the business strategy. When people think coffee, they think Starbucks. Starbucks has become a hot commodity when it comes to consumers and their coffee. When people go to a Starbucks, they already know what they are getting, specialty coffee, great customer service and a nice cozy place to relax and just kick back. From the CEO on down to the baristas, Starbucks has developed a culture that sets them apart from other coffee shops around the world. Their success can be credited to the customer service. Anyone in a business knows that customer service is very important and can determine the success of a company. Starbucks thrives on ensuring that the baristas develop positive relationships with all customers. By doing this, customers will start to become loyal to the company. Loyal customers will keep Starbucks competitive in a market that a lot of people seem to be fond of because when people get up in the morning, nothing may be more refreshing then a cup of coffee. The Starbucks organization wants all its customers to feel like they are part of something special when they purchase a cup of Starbucks coffee. To help strengthen the culture, Starbucks focuses on being active in communities, in addition to their environmental responsibility, business ethics, open door policy, and their concern for the employees, customers, and stockholders, all these things make a strong positive organizational culture (Campbell, 2009). Within the organization, from the Starbucks executives down to the baristas, when it comes to maintaining the positive organizational culture that has been laid out for all employees, Starbucks separates themselves from many other coffee shops. The Starbucks management team has not based their success off of several things. Within the company the stores offer things that not many restaurants offer, such as Wi-Fi, exotic styles of coffee and a comfortable place to relax and enjoy a hot or cold coffee beverage. These things differ from other coffee spots in the world, so it makes Starbucks very unique. The innovative coffee styles that Starbucks uses attract the traditional coffee fanatic, as well as a new customer base. The styles of coffee will maintain customer loyalty and loyalty is one of Starbucks main focuses. The dedicated customers consist of business professionals and students. These are the individuals that Starbucks employees will see the most. The environment is made for them as well. For example, business men and women may go to Starbucks for lunch. It is comforting, quiet, and the store gives off a positive vibe. For students, it gives them a chance to indulge in a good beverage as well as take time out of their day to kick back and read a book or even catch up on a few homework assignments, whatever the case may be Starbucks offers an environment that others do not. To some consumers, having the coffee may just be a bonus; they really enjoy the environment Starbucks offers. According to brand expert Priya Raghubir, â€Å"Starbucks stands for coffee; it’s converted that into an experience, â€Å"People really have gotten to know Starbucks as the quintessential coffee shop, where they can sit and be welcome over a cup of coffee†(Shayon, 2013). As discussed previously, customer satisfaction is very important to the brand and company. Making customers feel at home by making Starbucks a cozy environment and providing free Wi-Fi keeps customers happy and keeps customers coming back. The management team coming up with these concepts really puts what they are trying to do as a company in prospective and also gives consumers an idea of what their company culture is. Throughout the company there are different management positions. It is the job of this team to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources (Daft, 2012). Within the Starbucks culture one of the main focuses is the customers. With that being said a good management competency to have is communication. This is a very important skill to have because at Starbucks employees are constantly dealing with customers. Even at the executive level of management, communication is even more important because these are the individuals that are making the decisions that could affect the entire company as a whole. When those decisions are made they need to get communicated down to the baristas and everyone else in between. Communication fits perfectly within this company’s culture. Communicating things from the top to bottom tells all the employees what the main purpose of the company is. Communication helps maintain the culture throughout the whole company as well. For an organization like Starbucks were the focus is to keep customers coming back, the employees must communicate with them at a level that employees from other coffee shops just are not use to. With how Starbucks operates as a whole, they have made themselves the place to buy coffee, which they are not really known for. They are recognized for their great communication with the customers, with other employees, and the management team, and the goal is maintain this level of professionalism so the new and existing customers re-enter a Starbucks and always get the same exact experience no matter the location. â€Å"We’re not in the coffee business. It’s what we sell as a product but we’re in the people business hiring hundreds of employees a week, serving sixty million customers a week, it’s all human connection†(Gallo, 2012). Chief Executive Officer Howard Schultz is the man behind how this culture was developed; he is the one that drives the bus today. Back in the 1980’s Schultz had a vision to enhance the way people drink their coffee and he did just that. Starbucks coffee speaks for itself; it is the culture Schultz put in place that makes Starbucks unique and a nice environment to be in. Starbucks opened its first store March 30, 1971 with more than 17, 000 locations around the world (Gallo, 2012). Without Schultz, this company would not be what it is today. Since the early 70s the company has managed to emerge as a premier coffee in the world, and in the 80s with Schultz at the helm. In 2000, with Schultz not in the mix, things did not go as well as expected when he resigned. Eight years after his resignation; he was appointed as CEO again to help the company from the downward spiral they were on. Schultz stressed that is was going to take a lot to get Starbucks back to where they needed to be. It is clear that Schultz made a big impact on Starbucks when he was CEO, and when he was not CEO, the company took a bit of a plunge. Without Schultz, over time it seems like Starbucks may have not lasted. Answering the question, would Starbucks achieve long-term sustainability as a global leader in the coffee industry without Howard Shultz, the answer would have to be no. Just in a short period of time, the company managed to get away from the culture Shultz brought to the company. As an organization, it is their job to live up to the culture that was put in front of them. There have been many times in business where new leaders are appointed and they just do not live up to the expectations. This is a problem that can be fixed if communication is sustained as well. All companies develop or have a culture set in place already. Management plays a key role in developing and ensures that the culture is maintained. Starbucks is an organization that thrives off their culture and this is the reason why they are successful in the business world. They have set themselves apart from other coffee shops by focusing on things other than just the coffee, like the customers, the environment, and for business professionals and students, the Wi-Fi. The organizational culture at Starbucks may not be the best, but they are making a strong case for the organization. References Campbell, A. (2009, November 09). Organizational culture. EZine Articles, Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? Organizational-Culture&id=3203513 July 23, 2013 Daft. (2012). Management. (10th ed. ). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Gallo, C. (2012). Starbucks ceo: Lesson in communication skills. Forbes, Retrieved from http://www. success. com/articles/1272-rekindling-the-heart-soul-of-starbucks? page=2 July 23, 2013 Shayon, S. (2013, March 08). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://www. brandchannel. com/home/post/Starbucks-Customer-Loyalty-030813. aspx July 23, 2013 .
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Macbeth: Hero or Villain? Essay
The first time in the play we hear about Macbeth is in the very first scene. The witches are discussing when they shall next meet again, and one of the witches says ‘There to meet with Macbeth’. We are yet to read about Macbeth to discover his character but because of this scene we know somehow he is or will be associated with some kind of evil. Although when we read this nowadays we do not get frightened by this fact but in the sixteenth century when this play was written the audience would have been as they believed in witchcraft. The second time we hear about Macbeth is in scene two. In this scene he is described by a Captain, he describes him ‘brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name’. The captain says this as Macbeth has defended the rebellion of Highlanders and Islanders. We still haven’t heard Macbeth himself but we have two conflicting opinions of him. The first time we hear from Macbeth is in scene three. As the witches said, he met them on the heath. He is with Banquo, his best friend. He is greeted by the witches and they greeted him ‘All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis’ they also say Thane of Cawdor and then the third witch says ‘All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter’. They then tell Banquo his future and how his son will be King. I think that this is the very first stage of the change in Macbeth’s future. Their predictions make him fell more and more confident, then when he is made Thane of Glamis he feels superior as he has a strong feeling that he will one day be King. I think if Macbeth had not have been superstitious so he believed the witches he wouldn’t think he was so indestructible and then would not have been do evil. When Macbeth is made Thane of Cawdor after the Thane before was killed for treason, he writes a letter to his wife, he tells her about the witches’ predictions. I think this letter is the spark that starts Lady Macbeth’s own evil, as she is pleased with what the letter says, however she knows that although Macbeth has ambition he ‘is too full o’ the milk of human kindness’ to act upon the prediction. When Duncan stays with Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth plans to kill him, she calls on evil spirits to ‘unsex’ her, so she is not feminine as women were seen as meek and feeble so she could carry out the murder of Duncan. She tells Macbeth to leave killing up to her. When Duncan arrives, Lady Macbeth greets him warmly; she doesn’t seem to show any emotions of remorse at this point. When the banquet is taking place Macbeth thinks over the decision to kill Duncan, finally he decides the murder will not go ahead – this decision shows that Macbeth is not truly evil. However when he tells his wife he doesn’t want to go ahead with the murder she talks him around by saying things such as if he were a real man he wouldn’t back out and how if she had promised something to him she wouldn’t break her promise. The way she says this is very powerful and underlines just how evil she could be, as she says ‘I have given suck, and know how tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me – I would while it was smiling in my face have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this’. I think the baby she describes is maybe a child that they lost, as we do not hear of this child apart from this in the play. I think she used the child as an example in her promise as it is something that they both feel strongly for and it brings them closely together. Before Lady Macbeth talks Macbeth into backing out of killing, in his soliloquy in Act one scene seven, Macbeth shows his conscience, he feels he doesn’t want to go ahead with the murder, although when he talks about killing Duncan he never mentions the word ‘murder’. At this point we still don’t really know if Macbeth is a villain or hero yet. Lady Macbeth was suppose to carry out the murder but she saw Duncan sleeping and said that she could not do it as he looked like his father, this shows that she in not totally evil either. Macbeth hallucinates a dagger pointing towards Duncan’s chamber before his murder showing he is unstable mentally and maybe nervous. These nerves make him kill the two guards that slept with Duncan and over react when the murder is revealed. After the murder Macbeth is made King as the Kings two sons had fled from Scotland. Now all of his predictions from the witches have come true, he feels threatened as the witches also predicted that Banquo’s son would be king. Now as he has already killed three people he sets out to kill Banquo and his son, Felance. Banquo is his best friend, so this really shows how Macbeth’s character is really changing for the worst. This time he doesn’t do it himself, he sends two murders that he persuades in such a way we’ve heard before. He tells them that if they were real men they would carry out the murders, this sounds like the type of persuasion that Lady Macbeth used on her husband so he would commit the murder of th e King. At the banquet he pretends he does not know when Banquo is and is upset that he isn’t there, but then he sees Banquo’s ghost. He is uneasy and he nearly says too much about all the murders when he gets upset and confused after he sees the ghost, but Lady Macbeth stops him in time and makes up a story of how he is ill so the guests do not suspect a thing. In Act four he goes back to see the witches. They tell him he is safe until Birnam wood comes to Dunsianane, and never by a man of woman born shall he be harmed. Macbeth can now relax, he thinks, as everyone is born of a woman and the wood will never move. They also tell him another prediction of Banquo’s children on the throne, this is still possible as the two murderers failed to kill Banquo’s son, Felance. Macbeth’s next actions, I think show just how much his mind is evil and he seems not to care or have any conscience left, and he sends an army to kill Macduff’s family! The first description we hear of Macbeth is ‘brave Macbeth’, but in Act four scene three Macduff describes him as a ‘tyrant’, his personality seems have to changed. In Act five scene four Lady Macbeth kills herself. At the start of the play Macbeth and his wife seem very close, but when she dies Macbeth is not moved in any way he shows no emotion at all, he is cold as if he has hardened to people dying. He says ‘she should have died hereafter’. His life seems meaningless; he doesn’t care for anything or anyone anymore, not even his wife. The army that are attacking his castle carry bits of trees from Birnam wood – Birnam wood seems to be moving. Now I thing this shows that his superstition has really ruined him. He seems to know he is going to die, he says ‘At least we will die with harness on our backs’, he wants to die a solider – but as the witches said no man of woman born can kill him. When the army attacks the castle he fights Macduff – it is then Macbeth finds out that Macduff was born of caesarean – I think now Macbeth is puzzled; should he carry on fighting or just give up? Macbeth’s last words are ‘Hold, enough!’ He almost seems childlike and in a last grasp for breath he shouts this. Ultimately Macbeth is a villain, but factors that helped to bring out these feelings are his wife, his own ambition and the fact that he was too quick to believe to witches and too trusting. Macbeth may have been a hero but he died a villain.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Poetry Essay Writing Guide to Help You Become a Writing Guru
Poetry Essay Writing Guide to Help You Become a Writing Guru What is a Poetry Essay? Writing an essay is a challenging task for every student especially if the topic is as controversial as poetry. Analyzing any piece of art is difficult, mainly because it may be interpreted in various ways. Although, writing about poetry is even more demanding than any other type of literature. The study of poetry itself is aimed at addressing the poet’s emotions, experiences, and ideas with the help of different stylistic features and language techniques. Different poems may require distinct forms of understanding which may be a challenge. Besides, metaphors and other figures of speech are a typical view of poetry. Furthermore, while analyzing a poem, a student should keep in mind a strict structure of the essay to evaluate the piece precisely. Despite all the problems that may arise in the process, with some tips, the task will not only become understandable and much more manageable, but it will turn into pure delight. Poetry essays usually evaluate a particular piece of poetry, some theoretical aspects, or even personal attitude and ideas of the writer towards this kind of literature. Most commonly, the primary task of the writer is to provide the reader with an accurate, well-supported, and precise analysis of a particular poem. Therefore, the basic advice is to keep in mind traditional structure of the essay, pay attention to the main idea of the piece, its genre, verification, word choice, all the figures of speech, and tropes of the chosen poem, such as epithets, metaphors, alliteration, oxymoron, etc. If you face troubles when writing a poetry essay, check all the aspects of the topic subject. Thus, you need to know what a poetry essay is and how to write it accurately. Poetry essay is the piece of writing that evaluates a poem. Consequently, the primary goal is to combine the requirements of the essay format and in-depth analysis of a chosen poem successfully and professionally. Therefore, a student should follow a strict plan to make the future writing clear. Why Is It Important? Every single task given by a tutor has its particular goal. However, all the essays are aimed at expanding one’s knowledge about the topic. While writing a piece, you have to read numerous materials to find new information. In this manner, it is necessary to revise what has been learned in class, and, moreover, acquire the information that might be missed. Next, you should represent the material using your words according to the strict structure of the essay. It teaches how to deal with information, structure thoughts, and follow all the bibliography and formatting style requirements. These skills would help students in future studies when writing more serious works, such as term or research papers. Finally, any poetry essay is about combining theory and practice: the writer needs to apply theoretical knowledge of genres, tropes, rhyme, and meter to a particular poem, evaluating its content and main idea with its cultural context. Consequently, writing poetry essays will noticeably improve analytical skills and deepen your awareness about the issue. How to Choose a Topic Wisely? A brilliant and properly chosen title is one of the most crucial parts of a flawless essay. If there is an opportunity to select a topic, it may be difficult to make a choice. The point is that while one variant may be interesting to learn about the other might be much easier to discuss. Thus, it would be better to choose a familiar topic to make the process of writing more pleasant and smooth. There are few more tips. First, shorter and more contemporary poems may be less demanding to analyze than long and ancient ones. Second, you have to do a little research before submitting the chosen topic to ensure you’ve got enough materials to support the main points of the text. Finally, the writer should check if the topic is appropriate. It should not be too difficult to understand and evaluate. However, it has to give enough space to conduct research. In other words, too popular and narrow variants should be avoided. Which Topics Become a Winning Lottery? As it has already been stated, choosing a hooking essay topic plays a significant role in the whole process. On the one hand, the unsuccessful topic may fail an excellent essay while a wisely chosen one may notably improve writing. Thus, students need to pay some attention to this aspect. A proficient topic is not too short or narrow and, at the same time, it is not too long or too difficult to understand. It should be logical, include the main idea of the essay, and create space for research. Besides, it should not be challenging to discuss and find the bibliography for. One of the critical points is to grab readers’ attention. So, it should be engaging and even intriguing. The essay may evaluate a certain poem, for example, â€Å"Allusion and Reality in Sylvia Plaths â€Å"Lady Lazarus.†The topic can also refer to a certain author, â€Å"Significance of Nature in Edgar Allan Poe’s Poems.†Moreover, theoretical features or even individual ideas on the p oetry may be analyzed, â€Å"Word Choice in Futuristic Works of F. T. Marinetti,†â€Å"How Poetry Influences Modern Society†and so on. All these ideas are excellent examples of topics since they are interesting, not too wide or too narrow, and are clear about what the writer would be talking about. Which Topics Turn Your Piece into a Fiasco? Our Writers Know the Answer An unsuccessful topic may ruin your college progress. Thus, it is essential to remember several significant mistakes which student often make preparing topics for their writing. The topic should not be too long and difficult to understand or, on the contrast, too narrow and primitive. A primitive topic doesn’t enlighten the reader on the specific purpose of writing. It is necessary to remember that an essay is a short form of writing, so topics should be specific enough to be thoroughly discussed in two or three pages. Furthermore, do not concentrate on trivial and insignificant details of the poem or choose topics which require only personal attitude or ideas. ‘Why I Like Poetry’ is the worst topic on earth! It is not interesting and does not require any scientific research. Avoid topics which can be discussed in one sentence: ‘Is Howl by Allen Ginsberg a Poem?’ Of course, it is. ‘Edgar Allan Poe as a Poet’ or ‘Shakespeare’s Sonnets’ are taboos since these topics are too short and do not provide any specific information on what exactly is going to be discussed. Pre-Writing Tips to Get Ready for Some Serious Work After picking a topic, get ready to write. Read the analyzed poem several times to make sure all the details are noticed. Taking notes is also strongly recommended. Poetry is challenging to discuss, and some aspects may be controversial or have several meanings. Thus, taking notes will help to remember everything. When there are no fresh ideas, it is possible to search for the existing analyses. It would be useful to read the other poems of the chosen author or even learn some historical facts to understand the background of the piece. Sometimes one author has similar ideas that can be seen in a few written works. These little life hacks will help you to understand the given poem and identify various ideas for writing that come from one. Make an Outline to Develop a Solid Essay Framework When writing a poetry essay keep in mind its solid composition as well as when you should include this or that personal idea on the topic. These pillars of successful writing may be combined easily with the help of a strong outline. The last should not be underestimated because it is considerably useful to have a plan for the work not to miss anything. This would also help to focus on the central parts of the writing and not be distracted by the details. Therefore, effective outlines simplify the writing process and emphasize the basic structure of the essay. Guidelines for the Essay Structure Proper structure is one of the essential aspects of any successful academic work. Failing to provide a conclusion or a thesis would result in a poor score of the essay. On the contrast, the following structure would make the writing clear, flawless, and easy to perceive. Thus, every structural part of the piece has its individual goal, so be aware of the fundamental aspects of each. An essay is one of the shortest forms of academic writing, so its structure is elementary. Any essay must include: The introduction; The body paragraphs; The conclusion; The bibliography. An introduction is the first paragraph of the essay which provides the reader with the background of the discussed topic and presents the purpose of the writing. It necessarily includes a thesis statement which shows the critical idea of the essay. If you’re not sure about the effectiveness of your thesis, some additional information may be accessed here. The body is the main part of an essay. All the ideas and research aspects are discussed in this section. It may be divided into several paragraphs if the range of thoughts is presented. Each should start with the topic sentence that introduces the idea of the whole section. The writer should not forget to illustrate his/her statements with direct and indirect quotations. The conclusion is the last part of the essay. It summarizes the presented material and paraphrases the thesis statement. It is important to remember that neither conclusion nor an introduction includes quotations, which means these two parts should be written from an individual point of view. A bibliography is not a typical part of an essay. However, it is usually required to use several sources to support the presented thoughts. Thus, all the sources should be properly cited according to MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard or another style of referencing. Searching for Reliable Sources Expressing individual thoughts is not enough when you craft an essay. Therefore, students need to add several quotations from credible sources. Looking for reliable sources may require a lot of time and even can be exhausting. Nonetheless, it is a significant thing to do. Reading various materials would noticeably broaden your knowledge of a particular topic and help to see the existing problems from another perspective. Keep in mind that not all the sources found on the Internet are reliable. Be careful when using info from online forums, blogs, Wikipedia pages, and articles from magazines since the materials they provide aren’t necessarily scientifically approved. Thus, credible sources may be easily found on Reliable sources typically provide the reader with the basic information like the topic for the research, the author’s name, and the publication info. Here’s a quick tip: reliable sources always provide references to the other r esearches. Meet the Post-Writing Tips After finishing an essay, a few more steps need to be taken to get an outstanding work finally done. The written piece should be carefully revised several times. Moreover, it has to be free of plagiarism and any grammar mistakes. Students are not allowed to use informal language or slang in an essay as well. Finally, the writer must carefully reread his/her masterpiece to answer these questions: Is it properly structured? Are the ideas logical and precise? Did the writer define or explain all the terms or the other specific language? Did the writer provide all the ideas with proper examples or quotes? Did the writer cite all the information which is not initially personal? Does the essay contain a clear thesis statement? Is the topic appropriate? Does the writing responds to the topic and discuss it thoroughly? Is an essay written in a precise and formal academic style? Is writing free from any grammar mistakes? If all the answers are â€Å"yes,†an eager student will succeed with a challenging task and submit an excellent poetry essay on time.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Building an Effective Plan of Improvement for Teachers
Building an Effective Plan of Improvement for Teachers A plan of improvement can be written for any teacher who performs unsatisfactorily or has a deficiency in one or more areas. This plan can be stand-alone in nature or in conjunction with an observation or evaluation. The plan highlights their area(s) of deficiency, offers suggestions for improvement, and gives a timeline in which they must meet the goals set in the plan of improvement. In many cases, the teacher and administrator have already had conversations regarding the areas that need improvement. Those conversations have yielded little to no results, and a plan of improvement is the next step. A plan of improvement is intended to provide the teacher with detailed steps to improve and will also provide critical documentation should it become necessary to terminate the teacher. The following is a sample plan of improvement for teachers. Sample Plan of Improvement for Teachers Teacher: Any Teacher, Any Grade, Any Public School Administrator: Any Principal, Principal, Any Public School Date: Friday, January 4, 2019 Reasons for Action: Performance Deficiencies and Insubordination Purpose of the Plan: The purpose of this plan is to provide goals and suggestions to help the teacher improve in areas of deficiencies. Admonishment: Area of Deficiency Instructional IneffectivenessUnsatisfactory Teaching PerformanceWillful Neglect of Duty Description of Conduct or Performance: I have formally and informally visited Mrs. Teacher’s classroom several times since the beginning of the school year. Most every time Mrs. Teacher has been sitting at her desk, students have been working on worksheets, writing spelling words, etc. I have seen very little teacher instruction occurring and when I have seen instruction it has been a review of previously learned concepts, rather than new information.During my observations, I have noticed that the students are not involved in learning. Most seem disinterested in the classroom proceedings, and many of them hardly bother to go through the motions of responding when called upon by Mrs. Teacher.On Wednesday, December 19, 2018, I walked into Mrs. Teacher’s classroom and noticed the students were left in there unattended. Mrs. Teacher left the classroom to grab a cup of coffee and to use the bathroom and did not have anyone watch her classroom.On, Friday, December 21, 2018, I visited Mrs. Teacher’s classroo m three times throughout the day with the visits lasting about 10-15 minutes each time. When I entered the classroom all three times, Mrs. Teacher was at her desk, and the students were working on worksheets. Many of the students seemed bored and disinterested with their work. On occasion, a student would go up to her desk for help, and she did get up on one occasion and walk around the room monitoring the students’ progress. Assistance: Mrs. Teacher must receive prior administrator approval before leaving her classroom while students are in the classroom.Mrs. Teacher will be given several articles that provide successful tips for classroom management, motivation techniques, and instructional strategies.Mrs. Teacher will be required to observe another designated teachers classroom for one hour on Monday, January 7, 2019, from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. and again on Thursday, January 10, 2019, from 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. The other teacher is a veteran teacher and does a fantastic job motivating and instructing students.Mrs. Teacher must not leave any students without adult supervision during any part of the school day. Timeline: This plan of improvement will remain in effect for three weeks, beginning Friday, January 4, 2019, and ending Friday, January 25, 2019. Consequences: This is a plan of improvement that highlights your deficiencies as a professional educator. These are serious enough to admonish you and give notice of deficiencies in the areas listed above. Failure to correct these deficiencies will result in a recommendation for your suspension, demotion, non-reemployment, or dismissal. Delivery Time to Respond: This plan of improvement was delivered in a meeting with Mrs. Teacher on Friday, January 4, 2019. She has until Friday, January 11, 2019, to sign and return a copy of the plan of improvement. Formative Conferences: The initial conference to go over this plan of improvement will be on Friday, January 4, 2019. We will have a review conference on Friday, January 25, 2019. This conference will be used to review and discuss the progress Mrs. Teacher has made towards the provisions listed in this letter of admonishment and plan of improvement. Signatures: ______________________________________________________________________             Any Principal, Principal, Any Public Schools/Date ______________________________________________________________________              Any Teacher, Teacher, Any Public School/Date I have read the information outlined in this letter of admonishment and plan of improvement. Although I may not agree with the assessment of my supervisor, I understand that if I do not make improvements in the areas of deficiency and follow the suggestions listed within this letter that I may be recommended for suspension, demotion, non-reemployment, or dismissal.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The groups that were affected by the BP Oil spill disaster in the Gulf Essay
The groups that were affected by the BP Oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico - Essay Example To better understand the situation, a brief background of the how the catastrophe occurred is important. Deepwater Horizon was a 9 year old semi-submersible oil rig functioning in the waters of the Mississippi canyons, under lease of British Petroleum. At the time of the explosion, there were drilling going on for an exploratory well at depths of about 5000 feet. The well was almost funcationaly complete, whereas major cementing work was being carried out by one of the concerned parties/ contractor of BP, Halliburton (BBC, 2010). After completion of the well, it could be used as a subsea producer later. However, catastrophe struck on 20th April, 2010, methane gas shot up from the well 5000 feet under the ground and it shot up all the way up to the rig. The safety instruments did not react properly to this phenomena and the rig caught fire as methane exploded on the rig. All but eleven workers were saved through rescue efforts and lifeboats. This catastrophe didn’t end here; an oil leak was found where the oil rig stood 3 days ago. This sleek oil cover started endangering life. According to official estimates of August 2 and about 62000 barrels of oil per day has escaped the well into the water, endangering the environment and submarine life (Channel 4 News, 2010). Identification of key stakeholders: The oil spill happened at such a big magnitude that it affected a multitude of organizations, people far and wide, in multiple countries; it affected human as well as animal habitat. Therefore, the impact was far and wide, all the species directly as well as indirectly cannot be accounted for. The sub-groups can be classified as follows. With the oil spill came the disastrous damage that the Gulf of Mexico’s natural habitat had to face as the slick oil destroyed marine life. It suffocated the animal and plants and as the oil rose to the top, it created massive havoc in terms of dead fishery and plants and unimaginable loss to the scenic beauty of natur e in that area. Naturally, this oil spill has been a disaster; however, indirectly it has cost millions of people their livelihood. Fishermen in the area have been worst hit by this calamity where their basic income is now dead or the area in which they fished is now contaminated. Marine life has been completely destroyed in some places. Therefore, apart from the natural habitat which was ruined, it was the fisherman who was the stakeholders which were affected in this scenario. Environmental agencies claim that there will be constant efforts needed for decades to come to bring the habitat close to its original well being. The complete restoration is not even possible (Szabo, 2010). As the oil slick reached the shores engulfing the Gulf of Mexico, tourism was hit. Tourists ran away from the spots which were considered as summer favourites before the disaster. Even today, when there is no presence of oil or its impact on the beaches of Denver, there are almost no tourists when compar ed to earlier years. Tourists now have widespread fear that the oil has ruined the shoreline and it may affect them in some way. The oil spill has also cost the company; they have to pay millions
Friday, November 1, 2019
Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Industry - Research Paper Example Cinnamon Melts 4. Brownie Melts Beverages: 1. Inca Kola 2. Irn-Bru 3. Sodas 4. Milkshakes Chicken, Fish and Pork : 1. McChicken 2. McNuggets 3. Fillet-O-Fish 4. McRib 5. McArabia Breakfast: Breakfast sandwiches are the primary McDonald's breakfast's offering. McDonald's provide two styles of breakfast burritos, McDonald's breakfast also includes potato rosti, British bacon and hotcakes. Other Products: McDonald's also provide a wide range of sandwiches, Rice in Asia because the demand of rice is higher and many other products including salads etc. Market structure of McDonald's: McDonald's can be described as a part of a market which has perfect competition, and the competitors are just as huge as the way McDonald's is. Its competitors include Burger King, KFC, Hardees, Subway, Starbucks and other fast food restaurants. Most of the time McDonald's have to compete against the local restaurants of the country in which their franchise is operating, for example in Pakistan, OPTP and othe r local food vendors. For any business to stay ahead, in the competitive environment that it is facing, is a huge task. McDonald's is performing this task quite efficiently, as they promote product adaptation and provide their products on a relatively lower price. Furthermore McDonald's also provides different varieties for different people, based on age groups, occupation, and the region. McDonald's has built its success under the phenomenon of providing a wide range of standardized and high quality products, quicker and cheaper. McDonald's originated from USA, but now it is functioning in more 114 countries with over 25,000 restaurants, having a wide share globally is one of the reasons for McDonald's' success in the competitive environment. Nowadays one of the most valuable resources is time, people would more likely pay a lot to save their time. McDonald's provides its food quicker compared to its competitors, saving people's time. Most of the people prefer McDonald's over its c ompetitors because of the fact that McDonald's saves their time. Product adaptation is one of the major attributes of McDonald's. When McDonald's started to serve in India (elaborated later), a lot of people started to raise their voice against McDonald's, as the products included beef which is un-ethical towards the people of India, what McDonald's did was they stopped making beef related products in India, and started making products including mutton and chicken, an example of that is Maharaja Mac. Also, in Asia since the demand for rice is higher McDonald's introduced McRice. Because McDonald's practices product adaptation so much, it is quite successful compared to its competitors. McDonald's has a strong global presence and is considered as a leader in the domestic as well as the international competition. Even though McDonald's is leading the domestic market, still there are threats by the local food vendors, as people prefer the local food. To tackle this, McDonald's is intro ducing specific products for different regions, which has a local effect in it ("How does McDonald's compete in a monopolistic competition?"). Regulations that McDonald's must follow: Since McDonald's has a lot of franchises in different countries, therefore it has to follow the rules and regulations of that region. Keeping in view the ethics of that region, McDonald's should provide its services accordingly. Taking India as an example, as mentioned before when McDonald's sta
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