Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Critically appraise the Joint Law Commission proposals for the reform Essay
Critically appraise the Joint Law Commission proposals for the reform of the law relating to Business Insureds, considering furt - Essay Example Business Insureds can be divided into their components so the Commission’s proposals can be critically analysed. Duty of Disclosure The law of disclosure is famously referred to in the section 18 of MIA. It states that the insured must provide every material circumstance that it knows or ought to know in the ordinary course of its business (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 7); both the insurer and the insured owe a duty of utmost good faith to each other (Brook, 2012, p. 21). In Goshawk Dedicated Ltd v Tyser & Co Ltd it was held that utmost good faith was not free standing but formed the basis for implicating a term (Gurses, 2013, p. 77). The need for change (proposal) arose from the 2007’s section that a business insured only needs to provide volunteering facts that an insurer would want to know (Palmer, Mackie, Davies & Marris, 2012). To rectify this, the Commission’s proposal retains duty of the insured for providing all material facts that any reasonable insurer would want to know. ... For instance, in practice, strict adherence to MIA can sometimes produce results that are unjust or inappropriate for the insurer (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 38). Although the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure & Misrepresentation) Act 2012 has addressed these issues in its proposal but concrete reforms in this regard are yet to come. Proposals for Non-disclosure and Misrepresentation The original Act of 1906 suggests that an insurer can only avoid the contract in only those areas where the insured is guilty of non-disclosure or misrepresentation (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 24). This does not do justice to the insurer as the losses by misrepresentation or failure to disclose material information can range from minimal to catastrophic (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 179). For this reason, the Commission’s proposal suggests defining this dishonest conduct (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 213). Two options in this regard are; either going for delibe rate or reckless, or the common law test of fraudulent conduct (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 213). So this is what the new picture looks like. If the misconduct on insured’s part is innocent or negligible then the remedy for the insurer is only proportionate to the amount of damages. This ‘leniency’ is because not all damages arise out of deliberate fraud or misrepresentation. In Economides a 21-year-old man placed the contents of his flat below their market value when his parents moved in with him, the Court of Appeal considered his statement an opinion rather than a fact. As it was made in honest good faith it did not have to be reasonable (Summer, 2013, p.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Shots at Fortune and Life Essay Example for Free
Shots at Fortune and Life Essay Very few people get a shot at Fortune and Life but Margaret Bourke-White simply snapped her fingers and got into both. This very attractive and talented photojournalist made her name in the industry through her pictures for Fortune and Life Magazine. Living during the era when journalism was still way ahead of video productions, her photographs told much of a story with a shot from her lens. Margaret Bourke-White was born on June 14, 1904 in the Bronx, New York to Joseph White and Minnie Bourke. Joseph was of Polish-Jewish background while Minnie had Irish-English blood. (Women in History) Her parents were both believers of a religion called Ethical Culture which was a form of atheism. Ethical culture was very rigid to the point that it only allowed sexual intercourse between married couples for the sole purpose of creating children. (Goldberg 1986 pp. 4-5) In adherence to its philosophies, the couple brought up their children in a mentally stimulating and moral home. (Keller 1996 pp. 8-9) Mr. White was an engineer who was able to develop many versions of printing presses while his wife was totally dedicated in nurturing their children. Minnie was a very strict mother. She limited the children’s exposure to fried food and funny papers. Joseph, on the other hand, was an amateur photographer who was able to pass on his love for still pictures to his daughter. Margaret’s passion for photography began when as a child of eight years, she went with her father to watch the manufacture of printing presses. The marvel of seeing molten iron being poured captivated the photographer in her. (Margaret Bourke White par. 1) However, her total absorption into photojournalism was still far behind her mind. She began her college years in 1922 at New York’s Columbia University in a course for herpetology which is the study of reptiles. However, she met Everett Chapman, an engineering graduate student and got married in 1925. The marriage ended in divorce a year later which was also the time she decided to incorporate her mother’s last name into her own. (Margaret Bourke-White Biography 2007 par. 2) She became the student of Clarence White, a known photography instructor which sparked her interest enough to leave herpetology. She switched courses and schools several times before she finally graduated in 1927 at Cornell University. (Bois 1997) She opened her own photo studio after college at Cleveland wherein she specialized in architectural photos of industrialization. At that time, Cleveland was enjoying industrial progress and she marveled in taking pictures of this era which can be considered as symbols of economic prosperity. â€Å"She romanticized the power of machines through close-ups, dramatic cross lighting and unusual perspectives†that gave people a different view of industrialization. (â€Å"The Photography of Design†2004 par. 5-6) Her pictures got the attention of well-known publisher, Henry Luce. By 1929, he was able to get her to shoot as staff photographer for the first issue of Fortune Magazine. The assignment was a difficult one that had to focus on Swift and Company’s hog processing plant but her perseverance to be the best made her finish the job well. (Cox 2003) By 1936, Luce introduced the first issue of Life Magazine. The front page photo of Fort Peck Dam that at that time was still under construction was shot by Bourke-White along with her essay inside. Fortune and Life magazines gave her numerous opportunities to see the world for various photo assignments. She was able to capture photos of World War II in Europe including Nazi camps, Mohandas K. Gandhi, the Korean War and the social unrest in South Africa. (Lee Gallery par. 1)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Distressed Hamlet Essay -- Hamlet Essays
In the novel, Hamlet, there is a character that suffers from a life of insecurity and uncontrolled events that afflict him as there is nothing he can do to change it. "Hamlet is . . . a noble prince who suffers from a corrupt world that is not suitable to his sensitive moral nature.†He attempts to improve his distressed reality while his past continued to haunt him. He has a best friend, Horatio, who is loyal to him and tries to help him throughout the entire play. He is engaged to a lovely woman named Ophelia, which he loses interest with after he deals with his dreadful and upsetting world. He eventually leads her to contemplate suicide after rejecting her and making her give up on life. Her brother, Laertes, dedicates his life to avenging his family by ending Hamlet’s life. Hamlet continues down a road of misery and despair while spreading the grief he inhibits towards those around him. The story already begins with moral corruption, as the prince of Denmark lays dormant the burden of his recently deceased father who has been replaced by his despicable uncle, Claudius, whom he despises the most and marries his mother. He is disgusted throughout the whole wedding and begins to contemplate suicide with the options he had left in his world. He thinks his stepfather as less of a friend than he is a relative. He also loathes his mother's choice to replace his father in the short amount of time with the person he hardly feels comfortable with. He is conflicted as he feels they are both incomparable to the father he used to have. The plot thickens after Hamlet meets his colleague from school, Horatio, to be informed having seen his deceased father. The disturbed prince was baffled by his friend's report and was unconvinced,... ...) Laertes also falls revealing that the rapier was poisoned also and that their lives would be no more in less than an hour. He blames Claudius for the entire predicament and proclaims that he is justly slain by his own treachery. The enraged Hamlet irrepressibly stabs the king, as he forces him to drink the wine that was ironically intended to slay Hamlet. They all die as Horatio is told to remain to tell the tale of everything that's happened. The prince of Fortinbras arrives to visit Claudius as he finds everyone scattered lifeless and takes over the throne of Denmark. And so ends the tragedy of Hamlet, with his world surrounded by conspiracy and betrayal. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. â€Å"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark†Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts. 9th Ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009. Print
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Philosophy: Ecological Restoration Essay
How can we envision an ecological restoration of both physical environment and philosophical/spiritual thought models? Overpopulation, overexploitation, and human consumption are all contributing to the downfall of our now extremely misused planet. All organisms are now being exposed to drastic environmental changes, ones that our ancestors have never experienced. The stability of the Earth has been decreasing severely in the past few centuries because of mankind’s impact on overusing and consuming resources. Fundamental for Earth’s ability to function, natural resources across the globe are being destroyed and many contribute to the atmospheric change. A major issue is the lack of awareness of the current problems along with the absence of drive towards maintenance and restoration of the planet. Many humans view Earth as just a place to live, a place where selfishness takes hold, and careless consumption and waste thrives. We must ask ourselves, as a whole, at what point in time did our values of the Earth change? And how did we ever allow ourselves to become selfish, independent, and careless human beings? Unlike previous ecological and earth spiritualties that promoted and influenced all people to care for the Earth, we now take advantage of our planet for our own needs. Instead of love and protection, greed and exploitation now motivate us. At one point in time, ecological ideologies were a threshold for many beliefs because of the interconnectedness with all beings and the idea that everything is living and necessary for the planet’s survival. Maintaining a healthy balance with the mind, body, spirit, and environment has allowed generations of humans to thrive in our world. But, somewhere along the evolutional journey of mankind, we have slowly lost these concepts and values. In order to â€Å"succeed†we have to make the most money in order to be superior, instead of being happy with what you have. The mentality, especially in Western culture, is that we live to work, not work to live. The drive to be happy lies within work and money, but how many people, especially in the United States can say they are happy with their lives? It is because we lost the connection with the Earth, if we are connected with nature, peace will fulfill our lives. Reverting to previous mentalities and philosophies is instrumental in our restoration of the Earth. Building a better place to live, both physically and mentally, starts with analyzing past spiritualties and converting to some of their widespread ideas. Loving, respecting, and caring for the world is a concept seen in the practices of Gaia, Shamanism, Dark Green, Buddhist, and Hindu religions. Exemplifying the human connectedness with the environment, while seeing nature as a living being is a tradition that must be restored. The religions and ideologies illustrate peace, awareness, and balance within every relationship, including self. Adapting to these spiritualties will be beneficial across the globe, it will aid in our survival as well as the planets. Even though these models may seem far off, difficult, and unattainable, we must strive to change because it is vital for our existence. Presently, a common attitude that has been expressed is that nature is severely flawed, and that there is not much we can do to restore Earth. But, it is mankind’s duty to attempt the change and fix the environment as well as our philosophies behind it. New fields of study have been created like conservation biology and restoration ecology, which practice saving and fixing ecosystems across our biosphere. Movements in scientific fields as well as other environmental programs now strive to restore the Earth back to a plentiful state, with natural resources in tact to enable future generations to live. We must also think deeper about the current state of the Earth, considering all answers to how we got this way. Our future depends on whether or not humans can become mindful of our planet, to see clearly what is wrong and cause no further harm. Through this, we need to restore previous ideologies to help our new route of success. Living simply, awareness, respect, compassion, and love are key components to functioning in what our new world should become. Tracing the earliest environmental concepts back to the era of Greeks, Romans, and early pagan practices, the earth spiritualty Gaia played a vital role in their customs. Gaia is centered on the understanding that humans are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. It is a broad and open-minded spiritualty, and focuses on humanity’s connection with the Earth. Certain beliefs are that the planet is an ancient, living, and self-regulating system and we must do our part by not affecting such an essential being in our lives. Similarly, Mother Earth, humans, and all beings must have a deep, strong, and balanced relationship. It is illustrated that Gaia itself, is a symbol of peaceful balance between life and time. Ensuring that humans have a duty to protect, care, and respect the Earth because it is what gave us life inexorably. Envisioning Gaia as a concept used for ecological restoration of the environment and restoration of philosophical and spiritual views is an easy notion, which should be set into place. Since the philosophies of Gaia believe that humans have the ability to maintain Earth’s homeostasis, we should be inspired to embrace what our role should be in the planet. Due to most individuals’ self interest and greed, our actions are continually contributing to the change in the climate. But, in today’s society, if Gaia was a wide spread concept, individuals would have the ability to decide what sort of relationship they would have with the Earth. Taking such initiative to save and respect the planet will attract millions of followers. Gaia spirituality is an ideal change worth striving towards, since we recognize that Earth is a network of interacting components that shape each other, we need to reduce the impacts affecting these elements. Beings and the planet need to co-evo lve, and life needs to stabilize the planet in order to survive. Many other spiritual practices similar to Gaia involve exercises where followers strive to reach a certain state of consciousness that allows them to view the world in a different light. A well-known practice is Shamanism, which exemplifies reaching such a level of consciousness and allowing the practitioner to have access to other worlds. Shamans are guides to humans in our world, leading us through concepts from the spirit world. Since shamans contact both malicious and benevolent spirits, they view the world in a certain way that most humans are unable to. As shamans begin their ritual to other worlds, they enter a trance where they are placed in positions as messengers and healers from the spirits. Within healing, shamans treat the body through fixing the soul and restoring humans back to a healthy balance. Shamans build strong relationships with all animals and living beings in order to help them fully understand nature and its ways. Many of Shamanistic beliefs are that humans are directly affected with the treatment of the environment, and shamans can teach us about our wrongful actions. They guide us through the spirits to give us answers about our life mishaps and questions. Shamans consume the responsibility to care for all beings in order to better suite our world. Followers of Shamanism practice the importance of what you take from the world, you must give back and give thanks. Traditionally, shaman practices highlight how much they are ecologists of tribal societies. The rituals, trances, and journeys guarantee the relationship between humans and other beings are balanced (Barnhill 200) and remain so. Approaching a similar system to Shamanism will be a worthwhile effort because of the environmental aspects. They stress the avoidance of overhunting and overexploitation of resources by setting restrictions through their daily lives. Managing resources is tradition we do not do currently, but one we must become accustomed to, along with respect and compassion to restore a balance in the world. Being the world’s third largest religion and one of the oldest, Hinduism has always been a massive threshold for people’s beliefs. More importantly in Hinduism is the fundamental ecological spirituality that attracts so many followers. Both the thought models and motives for the environment are what drive the religion. Promoting peace and a natural demeanor towards all living things is a major theme, but in the foundation there are truly many concepts that are vital. The beauty seen in Hinduism is that the Earth is interconnected, that everything is a complete entity. Hindu’s terminology for the Earth is a superior factor and if applied it could be beneficial for restoration of the world. Advaita/Monism (Lal 190) implies that everyone and everything is one, there is no division in life, and Brahman (Lal 191) means the principle of the cosmos, that everything has a meaning and structure. Similar to Brahman is Atman (Lal 190), which applies to humans and is the spiritual essence of man. For Hinduism, all beings go through life cycles known as reincarnation or Samsara (Lal 192), and through each life beings strive towards developing into more complex forms. It is ruled through karma, which regulates the cause and effect of how you live and if you will move on to a better form of life. The life energy, Kundalini (Lal 190), represents the awakening of the mind to understand all matters in living. Ultimately, Hindu’s goal for the human’s spirituality is to move from self-centeredness and unenlightened to a self-less and enlightened person. Balance of mind, body, and spirit rules Hinduism, and to reach that many followers live simply in all ways, which benefits their bodies as well as their surroundings. Hinduism emphasizes sacred geography; their belief is that Earth nurtures humans so we have to give back by protecting and respecting the land. Since Hinduism is most apparent in India, they have adapted the term Bharat-ma, or Mother India, which is a holy site and used for ecological progress. The land in India is sacred, even if it is polluted and destroyed; they still have a deep love for all of the land, which is an important aspect, that most other countries lack. Furthermore, Ahimsa (Lal 190) is the extremity of non-violence and a complete consciousness that all living beings have the right to live and thrive. Adapting to Hinduism would make a beautiful change to the Earth. Land and water would be treated respectfully, eventually cleansing the atmosphere along with slowing climate change. Although their concepts of Earth are ideal and something we should model our lives after, it may be questioned if it is something even attainable and if we can reverse the effects already done to the Earth and ourselves. The green spirituality of Hinduism can make drastic changes to the current state of the Earth, and would help purify humans to a more balanced and healthy self. Mindfulness, nonviolence, and self-awareness (Kozak 5) have an influential role on the rising popularity of Buddhism. The primary philosophy of Buddhism is that it is spiritual not religious, it is a way of life, striving to improve the human mind, body, and spirit. As global perspectives change and people attune to having some sort of awareness, masses of humans are becoming more attracted to becoming Buddhist and living such lifestyles. Due to the fact that Buddhism is not an organized religion, but an ideology of leading a moral life, awareness of thoughts and actions, and to develop understanding and wisdom in the search for Enlightenment (Kozak 24) is what fascinates many people. Living is suffering for true Buddhists and once an individual reaches enlightenment, they can be free from the suffering of the world. Similar to Hinduism, Buddhism also believes in reincarnation, in their version the soul is always migrating into other worlds and death is nothing to fear because it determines what world you go into in the next life. The practice of Buddhism requires three things from man; self-mastery, self-analysis, and the cultivation of empathy (Kozak 262). Self-mastery involves looking at one’s self, paying attention to who you are, and decreasing greed. Self-analysis contains minimizing resources including needs and wants, and practices restraint in all aspects of life. The cultivation of empathy implies that one must have understanding towards all beings and if done, they will become gentle, patient, and calm, which will contribute to their enlightenment goal. Empathy among humans, animals, plants, and all organisms entails dissolving fear and to question what is right and wrong. Buddhism teaches worship and respect for the environment, emphasizing the fluidity of nature and life. Buddhism is a tradition that offers help to our world that is experiencing rapid and destructive change (Lancaster 3). If Buddhism was taught and practiced across the globe, people would understand the importance of nature and how it plays a vital role in our lives. Nature and all of its resources are being depleted at an astounding rate, and the practice of the Buddha would influence the globe to respect and restore our environment. If practiced, corporations and governments would no longer strive to make the most money and have the most influence, because quality not quantity matters in our environment and globally we would understand that concept. Recently, a radically growing religion across the globe is the Dark Green Religion, which holds their beliefs in nature, spirituality and our futures. This â€Å"religion†is actually a religion-resembling set of ideologies and practices that focuses on the holiness of nature and relationships with everything on the planet. Primarily, their belief is that nature is sacred with an intrinsic value, meaning that it should be demanded respect and care. Similar to most earth spiritualties, the relationship with human, and non-humans is highlighted, along with the consciousness of the connections of all life on the planet. Dark Green religions are common in all environmentalist movements, especially the surfing culture and all nature-based spiritualties. A common theme is the acceptance of perspectival thinking- where there is no truth, no objectivity, and no absolute value. Accepting perspectival thinking would give all humans the power to understand the affects we are having on our planet. We would always be searching for the deeper meaning of things and questioning what is the right way to live. This theory can be seen predated before Christianity, and it used to focus on seeing and interpreting nature in a respectful and beautiful way. The attitude is that humans, other organisms, and Earth are one unity with a greater power in control. Before long, Christianity covered up these beliefs and hid the real meaning of life. But as culture changes once again, we can see how these set of beliefs are making their way to the forefront of the environmental movement. Promoting that nature has the ability to have rights and the expectation that people have to uphold these rights would ensure respect to ripple throughout the world. By following these rights, nature would be allowed to restore itself, and ecosystems could be balanced once again. The balance of nature would continually benefit humans through ecosystem services of the land. Restoring old philosophical and spiritual thought models may seem impossible, but since new philosophies have arisen in past years that mirror older values and beliefs, they are attracting numerous amounts of followers. A growing philosophy that is not only a belief system but also a set of actions, also known as praxis, is Eco-philosophy also known as Deep Ecology. This praxis presents the idea that humans are not the center of all things, but simply a part of all things. Two major focuses of Deep Ecology are self-realization and ecocentrism (Scarce 31). The realization of self emphasizes the consciousness of an individual’s perception must be extended beyond their own aspects of life and must include the environment in their life. Ecocentrism is the basis that everything involved with nature possesses intrinsic worth and value. Deep Ecology’s ideas are based off of old philosophies beliefs, common themes in Deep Ecology reflect Buddhism, Hinduism, Dark Green religions , and Gaia. Harmony with nature, nature having intrinsic worth, living simply with small material needs, minimal consumption, and awareness that supplies on earth are limited all oppose modern day Western beliefs, but come from a religious and community based background (Scarce 37). Those who follow Deep Ecology are also known as radical environmentalists, they have a strong bond between themselves and the environment that spurs their actions; they are always tied back to the Earth. The realization that humans are mere aspects, on the same level as plants, animals, and bugs, is something that could change our world. A change in an individual requires a change in the culture so other citizens can follow suit. A massive shift of lifestyle is needed to make the difference, living simply and practically through gardening, awareness of choices, and being selfless are what is vital for success in humanity. Quicker than expected, the world’s population is nearing ten billion, and our current depletion of food, energy, water, and natural resources is still expanding at a rate that no longer can be maintained. Overcoming these issues will be an extremely difficult task because governments, corporations, and everything between have ignorance about their own greed. Ignorance, greed, and hatred are toxic for the world, and they highlight how our state of the Earth became so detrimental. Awareness to the reality of the situation is questionable; mankind needs to have courage to alter our ways. Social change will always occur, but government and corporate leaders have to have the bravery of leading the world cleanly and with complete mindfulness. When talking about environmental restoration and preservation, the Dalai Lama once said, â€Å"Ultimately, the decision must come from the human heart. The key point is to have a genuine sense of universal responsibility, based on love and com passion, and clean awareness†. Nature is at the very heart of our being and spirituality, it is our duty to prevent further destruction. If we continue to live as we have been without thinking of the future, we will continue to destroy natural resources, emit greenhouse gases, and climate change will then be inevitable. Climate change means a drastic shift in sea water levels because of ice caps melting, and millions of people will be forced out of their homes because coastal cities will be destroyed. Oceans will warm; natural disasters will take place such as droughts, floods, and heat waves, they will destroy our agriculture and homes and will hinder mankind’s ability to thrive. Control and safety from danger and destructiveness is what humanity strives to create in our culture. Even though control may be helpful for humans to flourish, we are wasting precious opportunities to become closer to nature and all that it has to offer. Studying and introducing ourselves back into the environment will be beneficial for the entire planet. Humans have altered the balance of the planet; to restore prior thought models involves the practice of no longer picturing ourselves as the center of the universe but seeing all inhabitants of the universe and the necessary role they play in our lives. It is natural for one person to believe that they cannot make a difference in the world, but belief, hope, determination, and courage will alter the planet. The process of restoring the physical world will be a step-by-step process, not one person can save the entire Earth, but they can give their full energy to help certain causes. Restoration of the environment and spiritual thought models intertwine. If it takes a person to have a bad experience to spur them towards changing their lifestyle and beliefs, then that is what must happen. Being submissive, listening to authorities and government leaders causes our world to be full of non-believers; humans do not trust their feelings and intuition (Scarce 34). Cultures across the world have fallen into the notion that they must be told what is right or wrong, especially through science and technology because they create certifiable â€Å"truth†. Banishing this manifestation will allow people to once again search for knowledge and answers. That is the beauty behind philosophy, everyone searches for knowledge and truth but there may never be real and certain truths. Accepting this idea will allow mankind to realize that nature is too complex to ever be completely and fully understood, so we should respect all that it is. To change our current ecological status both physically and spiritually, many steps must be taken. Most importantly, personal and community based engagement must be taken in the environment. Compassion, interdependence, and inter-being with the world will provide a philosophic platform (Storhoff and Whalen-Bridge 113) that will radiate across the globe and improve our spiritual beings. Western hemisphere ideologies must be radically different. Currently, our ethics and cultural perceptions that influence our actions of modes of thinking (Lancaster 9) are affecting our ways of living. The perception that people who are good, moral, ethical, and worthy are supposed to give help to the poor and oppressed, instead of aiding all classes as well as the environment. In other words, in our communities, we now aid to the â€Å"needy and unworthy†but in reality, we should be more focused on the global community. Nature is not separate from us, so it is what we should be aiding. Nature is the fundamental existential context of our lives, and we have a responsibility to aid and participate in it as a community (Barnhill 188), just as we would to the needy. Cultural transmission is the key to restoring our ecology; we need to form a new society within the shell of our current one. Instead of being centered on industry and technology, we need to focus on the physical and spiritual self-being of the world. Ideally, a world formed around Buddhist and Hindu traditions would benefit all beings, but during the cultivation of societies, humanity lost those ideals. Primarily, the first step to restoration would be individual change; each person would need to alter their lifestyles and values based off of certain ecological and earth spiritualties. If this were to happen, the transformation of individuals would affect their families, then to communities, to culture, and eventually global change. It may not be an immediate, imminent change, but slowly the acceptance, respect, and love for nature would spread to everyone in the world. Having a total integrated life style with the environment would allow awareness of self-interdependence with the globe, and how our actions affect all beings. Deep ecological awareness is an ideology that in a resolute ecocentric view, we would be able to reorganize our societies around the laws of nature (Lal 193). Ecological consciousness comes from the heart, not the head (Scarce 31), we need to become compassionate to everyone and everything. Adapting to earth religions would allow our values of the earth to change, because it compromises all life and the entire environment to be one entity that we all belong to in a single community. If we cannot adapt to a single religion or spirituality, we may only need to adapt to single expressions and practices of these ideologies, which will support the change of our ethical norms and values in the postmodern era. Works Cited Barnhill, David Landis. Deep Ecology and World Religions: New Essays on Sacred Grounds. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001. Kozak, Arnold. The Everything Buddhism Book. 2nd ed. Avon, Mass.: Adams Media, 2011. Lal, Vinay. Hinduism and ecology: the intersection of earth, sky, and water. Cambridge, MA: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, 2000. Lancaster, Lewis. Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions :, 1997. Lovelock, James. Healing Gaia: practical medicine for the planet. New York: Harmony Books, 1991. Scarce, Rik. Eco-Warriors: Understanding the Radical Environmental Movement. Chicago: Noble Press, 1990. Storhoff, Gary, and John Whalen-Bridge. American Buddhism as a way of life. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010. Print.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Blues Musician Ethel Waters Essay
Triple threat Ethel Waters (October 31, 1896-September 1, 1977) amazing ability to entertain audiences with an unreal stage presence and spell bounding singing voice can be viewed by downloading clips of her acts. She was a Black heavy set entertainer coming from an unusually bad childhood. All of those experiences she was born into seemed to influence her to become stronger and handle the setbacks in her career and life in general. Her singing career began in 1917 on a Halloween night when she showed up for a costume party. Her friends encouraged her to sing just for fun. She did, astounding the audience with her entrancing singing style that was uniquely hers. After hearing her singing performances at the Halloween party, Lincoln Theatre in Baltimore Maryland immediately offered her a contract. After she left Lincoln Theatre, she performed at Harlem nightclubs, working till exhaustion. Later she joined a carnival, working nightly Vaudeville shows. After Vaudeville, she sang in another exclusive Harlem night club with Besse Smith. Besse Smith requested Waters refrain from singing Blues. Besse was already the designated Blues singer. Waters was fine with Smith’s request, because her unique style allowed her to sing multiple categories of music. â€Å"Ethel Waters was an innovative and terrifically influential singer, and she broke through racial barriers in movies, theater, nightclubs, radio, film, and television opening doors for everyone who came after her; She deserves much better to be remembered†(McCorkle, 1994). Ethel Waters Singing and Acting Style; Ethel Waters contributions setting her apart from other singers is that she sings Blues, Jazz, Showtunes, Pop, Dance music, Big Band, Broadway and Gospel. Most of her songs are ballads, yet carry upbeat Jazz embellishments. Her voice does not even sound humanly possible. In the 1940’s there were no voice enhancing technology. She developed this unique style of vocal pronunciation by combining two different elements passed down from her mother and her grandmother. Her grandmother told her to keep a low soft, toned voice. Her mother encouraged aggressiveness, loudness, forceful vocal tones. She combined the two styles of vocal projections to sing unlimited types of music. Her voice is not loud or flashy, but filled with emotions, projecting her charisma to the audience. After her Harlem night club acts, she sang â€Å"Oh Daddy. †Oh Daddy resulted in Ethel Waters being the first Black female signed by Black Swan Records. The song immediately topped best selling charts. Because of popularity from the song, she toured with the Black Swan Jazz Masters and Fletcher Henderson. From this tour, she became noted for her dance shimmys and soft, soothing singing style. Her personality and spirituality came through as she created individual ways of interpreting lyrics of songs she sang. Bringing her own individualism to music carried over into movie roles she played. Waters was cast in many television roles in 1920’s-30’s. She played many mammy roles. She always brought her own flair to the scripts, never interpreting roles exactly as written. â€Å"What was the most remarkable about Waters performance was how she reconstructed the mammy character into one that challenged stereotypes†(McElrath, no date). Producers not only seem to not mind her taking initiative to try something different, but were actually impressed by Waters own interpretations of the written scripts. Mammy characters were being portrayed as strong Black females, resembling lifetime heroes. â€Å"Mamba’s Daughters†is the movie that popularized and brought recognition to Waters as an actress. At this time, Black actors had only non prominent roles available to them. In 1943, all of that was about to change. She took advantage of what was available to her, incorporated superb acting skills and stage presence, breaking limiting traditions. Today, Waters is greatly appreciated by many Black female singers, dancers and actresses for opening doors for them. Cabin in the Sky; Cabin in the Sky was first released as an MGM Broadway musical in 1940. The Cabin in the Sky was a story about a man who was murdered because he could not repay his gambling debts. He has only a few months to save his soul before he can enter into heaven. In 1943, the film version of Cabin in the Sky was released, being the very first production to hire an all African American cast. This was the show that was the breaking point, allowing Black actors to play significant roles, eventually making them eligible to be nominated and receive awards. In these times, it was a financial risk to cast an all Black production. Everytime a new movie, musical, video or album is made, the production company invest plenty of money, hoping it will be a success with the public. MGM was a big enough and financially stable enough company to take the financial risk. It was also the changing of times. People wanted different entertainment, something extraordinary, something they never seen before. Waters, once again changed up her script she played as Petuna. This time, she added a very shocking, unexpected dimension to the role. Besides breaking racial barriers, Cabin in the Sky threw out all rules of ethic modesty. Waters stunned everyone by adding a a sexy, suggestive musical dance style influence to her character, she starred as a female singing and dancing while taking a bubble bath. In 1943, this was considered â€Å"past the limits. †The show was a huge success so much that it was nominated for an award; the Academy Award for Best Original Song. The show was nominated for the song, â€Å"Happiness is a thing called Joe,†sung by Ella Fitzgerald. Cabin in the Sky made historical changes, had people talking endlessly about the show for years. For all these years, no one ever heard of it. It was recently released on DVD in 2006. Declining Work for Ethel Waters; Even though she was a fabulous triple threat, an asset to any show, Waters quickly found herself unemployable. While theatre and music producers welcomed Waters changing up the roles she played to suit her individuality, there is one part of her that was not acceptable. All the producers complained about her bad tempered attitude. Usually, when something works, the producers will put up with most anything from actors. However, that phase is passing, because there is to many talented actors who will not cause problems. From 1942-1949, producers refused to cast her in any roles. For a while, Cabin in the Sky was her last role. The producers had enough when her temper flared her co-worker, Lena Horne sprained her ankle. Waters went into a jealous rage claiming that Horne was getting far to much attention. In 1949, producers gave her another chance. She played another mammy role in â€Å"Pinky. †Her exceptional performance in â€Å"Pinky†won her an award for Best Supporting Actress. (McElrath, no date). The Civil Rights Movement in the 50’s-60’s brought a change that did not help Waters. People felt her roles as mammy’s were degrading to Blacks, and showing them in a way that would not contribute to their respect. When Waters was growing up, her career ambitions was to work for rich white people. She did not work for rich white people, but her roles where a Black woman working for other people. The Civil Rights Movement frowned upon Black actresses playing domestic roles. Although Ethel Waters achieved respect for Blacks, her accomplishments are all forgotten. She is remembered as an actress that promoted Black housekeepers. Many people think of her as someone who broke racial and other barriers in society. His Eye On The Sparrow; Waters Autobiography â€Å"The two great struggles in Waters life were poverty and racism. But matching these were her two great strengths: an iron will and deep faith†(Anderson 2002). Waters spoke proudly of her spiritual faith, letting in be known her religious traditions is what gave her strength to overcoming obstacles and struggles. In 1951, Waters autobiography was published, named His Eye On the Sparrow. His Eye On the Sparrow, originally sung by two white men, Civillia Martin and Charles Gabriel, belongs to the gospel category. African American Ethel Waters were greatly inspired by lyrics of the song so much she used it for her intriguing autobiography. She recognized the lyrics as a reflection of her own life, and a reminder as to where her amazing strength came from. â€Å"Waters was blessed, however, with a singing voice, and would work her way through the black vaudeville circuit to Broadway and into Hollywood. She was known as a singer of Jazz, Blues and show music, but also for her strong Christian faith-she sang spirituals and gospels on tour with Billy Graham†(Jones, 2005). According to her, success was not influenced on behavior of people surrounding her, her race or economic or disadvantaged background, but influenced by her beliefs. â€Å"Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come†¦I sing because I’m happy; I sing because I am free†(Lyrics). The people surrounding her were disadvantaged, but she was strong and gifted. And she was Black! Those strong beliefs and sense of spirituality were all she needed for thriving success. â€Å"His eye is on the Sparrow, and I know he watches over me†(Lyrics). Fair or not, in those days people in positions to offer employment opportunities saw a Black person, and opinions regarding their abilities stopped right there. However, people like Ethel Waters changed all of that. Today, music is surpassing limitations because of combining cultures and different styles of music. The book follows her life from being born illegitimately to an unloving, uncaring mother living in poverty conditions to her fame on Broadway. Conclusion; Although Ethel did not realize it at the time, she lived a life that was very interesting and fascinating to many people. She was in demand for many performances because she was a fluent Jazz and Blues female vocalists. However, she sung all types of music. She opens the new world that blues and pop music can be sung by one singer. Her famous career began at a Halloween costume party, progressed to a professional theater, then Harlem Nightclubs, Vaudeville, eventually on television, and Broadway. Her acting career was just as successful, even with its ups and downs. Her religious beliefs and faith in God played significant roles providing her with inner strength making it possible to bring great entertainment across the screens and stages. Her autobiography, written just a few years before she died was based on a highly spiritual song played in sacred settings. Her accomplishments can be remembered in her movie Cabin in the Sky and her book, His Eye on the Sparrow. In 80 years, she made contributions and changes through her career with great influences. On September 1, 1977, she passed away of cancer. Notes; Anderson, George M. 2002. â€Å"Of Many Things. †America 186, no. 17: 2. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 23, 2007). http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=a9h&AN=6661900&site=ehost-live Jones, Kenneth, 2005 â€Å"His Eye on the Sparrow†Playbill Article 95572 PlayBill. com(Accessed October 23) http://www. playbill. com/news/article/95572. html McCorkle, Susannah. 1994. â€Å"The mother of us all. †American Heritage 45, no. 1: 60. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (Accessed October 23, 2007). http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=a9h&AN=9401267528&site=ehost-live McElrath, Jessica (no date) â€Å"Remembering the Career of Ethel Waters†About. com; African American History ( Accessed October 24, 2007) http://afroamhistory. about. com/od/ethelwaters/a/bio_waters_e. htm Clips; TCM Trailers; Cabin in the Sky http://video. aol. com/video/blackvoices-tcm-trailers-cabin-in-the-sky/1636935 Ethel Waters; His Eye on the Sparrow http://video. aol. com/video-detail/ethel-waters-his-eye-is-on-the-sparrow/4163930375
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Truffle in Paradise in “Best Food Writing 2012â€Â
Truffle in Paradise in â€Å"Best Food Writing 2012†Truffle in Paradise in â€Å"Best Food Writing 2012†In his well-documented work, Best Food Writing 2012, Holly Hughes describes how the development of fast food cafes, restaurants, bars, and other places that provide services of the fast food quite rapidly escalating. The author takes an account to verify whether this verity is taken to be a disadvantage or an advantage of the modern community. In this argumentative essay Truffle in Paradise concerning fast food writing, John has given a narration which drives the point home. Truffle, concerns the storyabout the author his three friends struggling tofindthose Italy delightful pungentdirt-mushrooms. Not the rich whites or the lumpy blacks, simply the early springs truffle known as the Bianchetti. The truffle is earthy, grey and what many refer to call trash and ugly quite probable a metaphor for the upended of the isolated pizza person in the culinary world. It is a rainy October dawn, on a lovely Umbrian hillside Prudently sidestepping an itchy wild juniper scrubland, Molly a slightly chubby amiable young man lumbers near her two slimmer, scruffier friends as they grope around the grassroots of the oak tree. Vespa and Rocco eventually appear the previous with attired-sized black equinox truffle in his riffles. He lets his owner to praise it from him and is content with a delight: Molly creeps up for her prize, too, but is snubbed. She is a metaphysical dog, but as the family kept of Carlo Caporicci, the truffle trader, she has slight to worry. Truffle dogs usually go without a dinner, to intensify their cravings for the subsequent mornings raid, but no Molly; in all case, she specialized intuber magnatum pico, the distant more appreciated white truffle. Caporicci contract in truffles of entire kinds and has smooth planted a truffle plantations on his land (the pension strategy, as he labels it) to growtuber melanosporum, the twilight black truffle. A ample chunk of his commercial is providing Europes perfect restaurants with the truffles: in London, Locanda Locatelli and LAnima, Apsleys are regular clients, and his discourse book fairly shines with Michelin actors. One of the actors is detained by Marco Torri, proprietor of Semplice by the moment I plunged in for dine a few weeks after, the author was happy to utter, Molly and peers had already smelt out a little white diamonds. Remarkably among the London restaurants, Surplice provides diners to select exactly the amount of truffle they need, considered at the table; the spiciest gram of truffle is certainly the initial one. Torris cookery is inspiring As his restaurants designation suggests, plainnes is the motto: not desirous into outr makings at the cost of definitive northern Italian cookings, he relies in its place on superb, artisanal products. He has a frisky touch, though employing all kinds of (botanically unconnected) artichoke in each dish, for instance: a horizontal pure of the spherical kind nearby translucent crackers of the Jerusalem kinds, over a good, tiny chop of equinoxtruffle. Gnocchi are ethereally soft and light and made with minimum flour and concentrated yellow floury potatoes bathed inside silk-smooth pulp of stracchino and flakes showered of white truffle. Risotto was similarly indulgent truffle of all kind loves butter, cheese and cream and had perfect bite. There are no better places the author knows than the ebony-and-gold, stylish dining room at the Surplice to carousal in Umbrias underground diamonds. Therefore, one can clearly observe that fast foods mushrooming universally you attend Well, from one side of this argument is quite comfortable, really cheap and fast to get at least a snack at one of the fast food caf. This foodstuff is delicious, very convenient and smells great to be taken. You do not have to use much of your time whilst sitting in a caf and waiting until the moment the waiter serves you. You can as well buy some foodstuffs and go along the street taking your favorite pizza or hot dog. Hughes once more composes the years tastiest samples from the escalating arena of food writing.The copy reader has chosen intelligently from a profusion of blogs, articles, books and magazine, and this assemblage presents an extensive mix of food practices.In an epoch of much-hyped restaurants and celebrity chefs, this assortment is thankfully inattentive of the pretentious cogitations of TV stars and restaurateurs.It is the unforeseen approaches to the category of food writing, which are the most pleasing. Take, for example, Gumbo Chronicles of Rowan Hank Shaw features and deliberation on hunting, in On Killing, and John Birdsall investigates the developments of pastrami as a mislaid and quite expensive art form. You can as well mention in the argumentative essay on fast food concerning the fact that, seventy two per cent of overweight individuals have been taking food from fast food and acquired the excessive weight due to the fast foods. Can you critically imagine that? The circumstances in which all these fast foods are prepared are also deliberated to be very unhygienic ones. This is why one must be sensitive with fast foodstuff consuming as well as not overusing it. All the foods that you can purchase at the street vendors, is contemplated to be nutritious and very fat. It affects individuals health and may instigate a person to convert tremendously well fed, and as you are aware of, once you become resolute, it is too hard to appear slim again. The author has written the essay in plain language with few grammatical errors Therefore, the essay is comprehensible and flowing. The author has given the examples which are relevant to the topic. The commercial that presents a lady licking a sandwich in a peculiar manner With her bra showing, skirt inching up her thighs and her tongue licking the food in a sexual manner, appears very clearly in my head at the moment. This illustration creates a picture in the mind of how the lady was eating the food. It makes me imagine the beautiful woman in the scene advertising the food in a serene environment. It sticks with me because, as a matter of fact, sex catches the attention of all-age individuals. If something is presented as sexually attractive, it will catch the eyes of all and call for a second look.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Demonstrate Leadership Experience
How to Demonstrate Leadership Experience If you plan on applying to a graduate-level business program, youre going to need to be able to demonstrate that you have leadership capabilities, or at a minimum, leadership potential. Many business schools, especially schools with top MBA programs, are focused on churning out leaders, so they look for MBA candidates who fit that mold. Being able to demonstrate leadership experience is also important if you want to get a job in the business world after graduation. In this article, well take a look at a few examples of leadership experience and explore self-assessment questions that will help you determine ways in which you have been a leader so that you can demonstrate your leadership experience in an effective way. What Is Leadership Experience? Leadership experience is a general term used to describe your exposure to leading other people in various settings. If you have ever supervised other people as part of your job, you have leadership experience. It is important to note that management and leadership are two different things. You dont have to be a manager to be a leader. You may have led other people on a work project or a team-based endeavor. Leadership can also occur outside of work- maybe you helped to organize a food drive or another community-based project, or perhaps youve served as the captain of a sports team or academic group. These are all examples of valuable leadership experience and are worth mentioning. Leadership Experience and Business School Applications Before accepting you into their program, most business schools will want to know about your leadership experience. This is especially true if you are applying to something like an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program, which is typically filled with mid-career professionals and executives. So, how do you demonstrate the fact that youre a leader who is ready for the challenges of business school? Well, the concept of leadership experience can come up in different ways during the business school application process. Lets take a look at a few examples. Resume: Many graduate programs ask you to submit a resume with your application. Your resume is a great place to highlight your leadership skills and experience.Essay: Some business schools ask you to write an application essay as part of the admissions process. In some cases, you will be given an essay prompt related to leadership experience. Other times, you are allowed to choose your own essay topic. Discussing your leadership experience in an essay is a good way to show that you have leadership potential and the ability to bring something to class that may benefit your peers. Interview: Not every business school requires candidates to take part in an admissions interview, but some do. If you are asked to participate in an interview during the application process, you should expect at least one question about your leadership experience or leadership potential. 10 Questions to Ask Yourself About Leadership Experience Before you begin talking about your leadership experience you should ask yourself a few questions to make sure you are telling the best stories. Here are ten questions to get you started: How have I motivated others?Have I ever improved the performance of others?Have I been able to make use of other peoples talents and skills?How have I addressed or helped other people to address their mistakes?Have I ever marshaled resources to overcome a problem I discovered?In what way have I built on an organizations success?Have I ever helped a team to articulate a vision?How have I helped other people adapt to a new situation?What methods have I used to boost morale within an organization?How have I helped others overcome challenges in their personal or professional life? Remember, leadership experience isnt always necessarily about what you have done- its about what you have helped other people do.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011
The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011 The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011 The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2011 By Daniel Scocco First of all happy new year to all the Daily Writing Tips readers! Rest assured well keep sending you our best writing tips in 2012. Below youll find a compilation of the most visited posts we published in 2011. Make sure you havent missed any! 100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections 7 Grammatical Errors That Aren’t 100 Beautiful and Ugly Words 10 Latin Abbreviations You Might Be Using Incorrectly 100 Whimsical Words Should You Self-Publish? 50 Problem Words and Phrases 20 Classic Novels You Can Read in One Sitting Who Cares About â€Å"Whom†Anymore? How Spelling Diverges Between American and British English 10 Words That Don’t Mean What You May Think They Do 10 Comma Cases in Which More Is More 10 Pairs of Similar-Looking Near Antonyms 150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You Is â€Å"They†Acceptable as a Singular Pronoun? 50 Redundant Phrases to Avoid 10 Intensifiers You Should Really, Absolutely Avoid The Other N-Words 7 Editing Pet Peeves 8 Steps to More Concise Writing Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative Conflict20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Using "zeitgeist" Coherently
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The rights revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The rights revolution - Essay Example The country has had a lot of trouble incorporating the Quebec and non-Quebec nation into the political framework. As a result of the forced incorporation of such elements as women’s rights, and aboriginal land claims into the 1982’s Charter of Rights and Freedom, Canadian culture has become extremely distinct with respect to people’s rights. Canada is a socially democratic society that places special emphasis on the group rights as reflected both in the Quebec’s Charte de la langue francaise and in the agreements of treaty which acknowledges the rights of aboriginal people upon the land and resources. Canada is one of very few countries which stipulates the terms and conditions regarding the distortion of federation in the decisions of Supreme Court as well as in the federal legislation. Such an overt expression of concerns regarding secession increases its susceptibility to happen. Nevertheless, rules have been defined clearly in order to avoid ambiguitie s and violation by mistake. Besides, clear dictation of the secession laws reduces the chances of breakout of civil war. The recent ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada regarding secession identifies two primary concepts about rights. The first idea says that conflict is frequent while the second idea realizes the purpose of the rights language in the conditions of conflict which is to promote peaceful adjudication. Canada has also influenced the world with her rights talk.
Electronic diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Electronic diplomacy - Essay Example For them to be in touch with the world diplomats have utilized the use of facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and the social media network of the country. Using the social media network, the diplomats can easily address the audience with the specific massage they want to convey to them. This is to mean that the diplomats need not to travel up to be the audience are for him or her to deliver the massage hence reducing the mobility (Gaida Jeanette, 2013). The incising use of E-diplomacy has enabled the people in the places that cannot be reached to understand the stand of the government. For example if the country is being faced with drought or hunger in some region of the country. E-diplomacy can be utilized to inform the affected people on the government plan towards solving the drought or the hanger issue. The processing of visa documents have been simplified by e-diplomacy tools furthermore it has facilitated the direct with citizens who are at different countries (IRM’s Office of eDiplomacy, n.d). In case of the occurrence of any emergency, e-diplomacy has provided foreign citizens in a given country a chance to communicate with there respective consultants or state embassies. E-diplomacy discussion forum may provide an opportunity for diplomats to hold a free-wheeling debate and provide inputs that are valuable on the issues of foreign policy. The Smartphone apps enable the citizens to access information on passport norms and the initiatives of foreign policy. Secure visual platforms with safety features that are stringent have been availed to enable discussion confidentiality between specific diplomats. For example in the perspective of India, the ministry flagship publication that is printed in fourteen different languages and distributed among the Indian missions that is abroad currently have a version that is digital. Furthermore, the publication will be availed in a digital magazine store of a dedicated channel which will
Friday, October 18, 2019
LukoilBP Comparison Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
LukoilBP Comparison - Case Study Example Nonetheless, its performance in boosting its market value has been described as hyper in nature as evidenced by the graph below: This ratio is the company's share price at year end divided by basic income per share. Basic earnings per ordinary share amounts are calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. The average number of shares outstanding excludes treasury shares and the shares held by the employee share ownership plans. The following tables detail BP and OAO LUKOIL share price, basic income per share and the price to earnings ratio: BP, having wider operations than LUKOIL, registers a higher P/E ratio. However, computing for the rate of change of the P/E, it is found that LUKOIL is registering much higher growth than BP. The results are shown below: With this information, it can be seen that LUKOIL registers double digits for the P/E ratio. This growth essentially tells the investor that LUKOIL is outperforming BP. Although the investor can expect higher returns for BP, this may not be the case in the future as LUKOIL's P/E growth rate is double that of BP. Basically, the P/E ratio is expected to increase as Basic Earning Per Share are also up with share price also expected to increase because of the good performance of LUKOIL. ... Sample Computation: ( LUKOIL 2005) P/E = Share Price / Basic Earnings Per Share = 59.40 / 7.91 = 7.51 BP, having wider operations than LUKOIL, registers a higher P/E ratio. However, computing for the rate of change of the P/E, it is found that LUKOIL is registering much higher growth than BP. The results are shown below: Table 4. Rate of Change Profile P/E Rate of Change (%) 2003-2004 2004-2005 LUKOIL 13.62 28.60__ BP 6.07 12.36__ The computation for the rate of change was carried on using the following equation: Rate of Change = ( P/E for Year End - P/E for the Previous Year End) * 100% P/E for the Previous Year End With this information, it can be seen that LUKOIL registers double digits for the P/E ratio. This growth essentially tells the investor that LUKOIL is outperforming BP. Although the investor can expect higher returns for BP, this may not be the case in the future as LUKOIL's P/E growth rate is double that of BP. Forecast The most recent available projection for LUKOIL is a 9M 2006 projections and is conveniently compared to 9M 2005. It is shown below: Table 5. Financial Forecast Source: 2006 Financial Results from investorcenter Basically, the P/E ratio is expected to increase as Basic Earning Per Share are also up with share price also expected to increase because of the good performance of LUKOIL. The company is currently very aggressive in entering and capturing a major portion of the US market. It has already purchased rights to Getty and its oil distribution facilities in the US. With regards to BP, the P/E ratio is forecasted to increase as well
The Surgical Count in Perioperative Nursing Research Paper
The Surgical Count in Perioperative Nursing - Research Paper Example This may sound strange but evidence of research and studies proved that incidence of retained sponges and instruments (RSI) happen. This paper presents the observed conformity of evidence-based practice on surgical counts procedure with respect to applied nursing research, taking into consideration the observations and experiences I earned during my actual clinical exposure in a healthcare facility’s operating room (OR) setting where surgical procedure is done. It aims to identify any observed flaws in the procedure base on my personal observation and to determine the common causes of discrepancies in surgical counts in spite of the strict adherence to a standardized guideline adaptable in international surgical settings. To begin with, surgical counts, according to Spry (2005, p. 168), is the â€Å"counting of sponges, sharps such as blades and needles, and instruments that are opened and delivered to the field for use during surgery.†The International Federation of P erioperative Nurses (IFPN n.d.) provided the basis for the surgical count practice in order to promote safe, quality perioperative patient care internationally, that is intended to standardize sponge, sharp and instrument counts and includes basic principles as guidelines adaptable in surgical settings internationally. The certified surgical technologist and the circulator (circulating nurse) are responsible in the proper performance of surgical count (Association of Surgical Technologists 2006), but according to Belton and Berter (2004), either a surgical technician or a registered nurse can fill the scrub nurse role in performing the surgical count after surgical hand scrub and aseptically donned a surgical gown and gloves. The surgical count is done to ensure that all items used during the surgical procedure are removed and can be accounted for completion of the procedure (Hamlin, Richardson-Tench, & Davies 2009, p. 88). All surgical items delivered to the sterile field prior to the incision and during the actual surgery are reconciled for completeness to the inventoried items after the end of the surgery (Spry 2005, p. 168). Moreover, the surgical count plays a vital role in enabling the perioperative practitioner and surgical team to enhance the patient’s safety (Rothrock 2002). Rothrock emphasized that surgical items used by the surgical team in performing invasive procedures are foreign bodies to the patient and must be accounted for at all times to prevent retention and injury to the patient. The International Federation of Perioperative Nurses (2009) or IFPN promulgated the general guidelines in surgical count covering surgical count standards as to general criteria, sponge count, sharp count, instrument count, documentation, and count discrepancies. This guideline established by the IFPN (n.d.) was conformed by the Australian College of Operating Room Nurses (ACORN), Association for Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN), National Association of Theatre Nurses (NATN), Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada (ORNAC), and South African Theatre Nurse (SATS). In spite of the crucial adherence to standardized surgical count procedure, there were evidences showing that discrepancies exist. According to Greenberg, Regenbogen, Lipsitz, Diaz-Flores, and Gawande (2008), â€Å"one in 8 surgical cases involves a surgical discrepancy in the count; the majority of which were unaccounted-for sponges and instruments, representing potential retained sponges and instruments.†In the report of amednews staff Kevin B. O’Reilly (September 2008), he stated that â€Å"While cases of retained foreign objects are rare, discrepancies in counts happen in 13% of surgeries, according to an August Annals of Surgery study.†O’Reilly (2008), as he cited the Annals of Surgery
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discrimination Law In Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discrimination Law In Employment - Essay Example Having had a trans-gender operation will not alter her efficacy as a worker in any significant way. Hence, Alluria’s is a clear cut case of injustice and if she makes a lawsuit she will win. The Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 describes a disabled person as someone who has a â€Å"physical or mental impairment, which is long-term or substantial and makes them unable to carry out normal day to day activities and has more than a minor or trivial effect and lasts or is likely to last at least 12 months.†Karen’s disability has been congenital (hence long-term), substantial and certainly not trivial. It is difficult to see how Karen can be effective in a boutique with such a major disability. However, she had a right to apply for the job. She also did the right thing by disclosing her disability during the interview. It is due to the sloppiness of the interviewer that she got hired in the first place. If this is the real issue then Sonia should inform her so and follow proper Employee Dismissal Procedure, with its due notice period, full and final financial settlement, etc. But Sonia had not pursued this line of action and instead is nagging Karen t o â€Å"stop biting her nails†, which is irrelevant to the issue. Karen is also being victimized by Sonia for taking her previous employer to the Employment Tribunal. Karen had every right to take her previous employer to task. Discrimination by way of victimization is said to occur when an employer treats the employee less favourably due to their actions they have taken under or in connection with the DDA Regulations. In sum, Karen has two grounds for discontent – Disability Discrimination and Victimization – if she decides to take legal action. But Karen has to ensure that the total number of personnel in the boutique is more that 20, as the DDA is applicable only to employers with 20 or more employees. Also, she has to confirm that her particular
How the USA Patriot Act Effect Law Enforcement Research Paper
How the USA Patriot Act Effect Law Enforcement - Research Paper Example This illustrates that the USA Patriot Act is aimed at enforcing the law enforcement agencies by enabling them to be in a position to competently deal with terrorism attempts. However, enormous debate has revolved as pertains to whether the USA Patriot Act positively or negatively effects the law enforcement. It is with this regard that the thesis statement that this paper seeks to affirm is that the Patriot Act is designed to offer positive benefits to the goals of law enforcement and federal intelligence agencies that protect the American populations (Van Cleef 73). Topic sentence 1: Withstanding the presumed negatives that have come with intelligence investigation after the passing of the Patriot Act, surveillance strategies are actually necessary for securing the public welfare. The patriot Act is mainly aimed at protecting the nationals of the United States against terrorist attacks and surveillance form the enforcement agencies. Surveillance intelligence has widely been reviewed in the case of Mayfield following the terrorist Act and was typically depicted as Patriot Act on trial in the Nation Newspaper. This was a case that took shape in March 2004 where intelligence surveillance after conducting investigations, the FBI concluded that following the cross matching of partial finger prints in one of the bomb detonator bags, it matched that of Mayfield and he was arrested. His arrest was affirmed by in depth investigations that revealed that he was a Muslim convert and had been involved in a movement of Taliban’s that had wanted to go to Afghanistan to fight against the United States (Sarasohn 1). However, Mayfield being an attorney knew that the United States had no charges against him and being a citizen of the United States, challenged his arrest and conviction on the wake of the Patriot Act. This led to his release following additional surveillance that revealed that he was not the perpetrator behind the terrorism attack. This led Mayfield to chal lenge the protection assured by the Patriot Act since he affirmed that his protection, safety and privacy had been violated by the enforcement agencies during the investigations. The Mayfield trial is a clear indication of the effect the Patriot Act has on law enforcement especially with reference to intelligence investigations. Consequently, surveillance strategies depicted in the Patriot Act and Mayfield trial, affirm that the Patriot Act is indeed aimed at securing the public welfare. This therefore affirms the thesis statement that the Patriot Act is designed to offer positive benefits to the goals of law enforcement and federal intelligence agencies that protect the American populations (Sarasohn 1). Topic sentence 2: Patriot Act makes it possible for law officers to conduct search and seizure procedures without first notifying the individuals involved. Patriot Act of the United States gives law enforcement officers the mandate to seizure and act without warning in terrorist at tempts. This gives the law enforcement officers an upper hand in the investigations and especially in the financial sector which has become a major terrorist avenue. The Patriot Act has provisions that enable the treasury to secure its finances by implementing anti-money launder mechanisms. These are
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Discrimination Law In Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discrimination Law In Employment - Essay Example Having had a trans-gender operation will not alter her efficacy as a worker in any significant way. Hence, Alluria’s is a clear cut case of injustice and if she makes a lawsuit she will win. The Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 describes a disabled person as someone who has a â€Å"physical or mental impairment, which is long-term or substantial and makes them unable to carry out normal day to day activities and has more than a minor or trivial effect and lasts or is likely to last at least 12 months.†Karen’s disability has been congenital (hence long-term), substantial and certainly not trivial. It is difficult to see how Karen can be effective in a boutique with such a major disability. However, she had a right to apply for the job. She also did the right thing by disclosing her disability during the interview. It is due to the sloppiness of the interviewer that she got hired in the first place. If this is the real issue then Sonia should inform her so and follow proper Employee Dismissal Procedure, with its due notice period, full and final financial settlement, etc. But Sonia had not pursued this line of action and instead is nagging Karen t o â€Å"stop biting her nails†, which is irrelevant to the issue. Karen is also being victimized by Sonia for taking her previous employer to the Employment Tribunal. Karen had every right to take her previous employer to task. Discrimination by way of victimization is said to occur when an employer treats the employee less favourably due to their actions they have taken under or in connection with the DDA Regulations. In sum, Karen has two grounds for discontent – Disability Discrimination and Victimization – if she decides to take legal action. But Karen has to ensure that the total number of personnel in the boutique is more that 20, as the DDA is applicable only to employers with 20 or more employees. Also, she has to confirm that her particular
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Landfills paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Landfills - Term Paper Example A landfill must be easily accessible for transport by road. The land value is also considered during the construction of a landfill. Government requirements must be met. The community location is also another important factor in the design of a landfill (Tchobanoglous, 1993). Usually a landfill is built on a pit with existing holes being filled in the ground. A canyon is also a good place for building a landfill. The waste is piled above the ground using a mound. Geological stability is an important factor in the design of a landfill. Water table and location of rivers can also create stable landfills. The landform is compared with the restoration profile to calculate the capacity of the landfill. The amount of daily cover and density of wastes are factors that base the capacity. Other factors considered are the thickness of capping and construction of drainage layers. Intermediate cover and construction of lining layers is also important for the capacity of a landfill. Soil and water are protected using liner and collection systems. Protection is further achieved by storm water control, leachate management and landfill gas management. The costs for the design of a landfill are conducted by feasibility studies and site investigations. There are small areas for confining wastes in non hazardous waste landfills. Wastes are compacted to reduce their volume and covered with layers of soil (Tchobanoglous, 1993). A single cell is filled in the area for the landfill. Contamination by leachates migrating through the geological formation is prevented by a rubberized landfill liner that is exposed on the left. Waste collection vehicles are present at a weigh bridge. The load is inspected for wastes that are not in accord with the landfill's waste acceptance criteria. The load is unloaded at the existing road network. Dozers are used to spread and compact the waste. The wheel cleaning facility allows the waste collection vehicles to pass through. The daily waste tonnage is calculated and listed in databases during the weighing process. Many landfills have railroad containers. This allows landfills to be located at remote sites. Solid covers the waste in the landfill. There are alternative waste cover materials which can be sprayed on foam products. Temporary blankets, chipped wood and bio solids can also be used as daily cover. A daily cell is the space occupied by compacted waste and cover material. Waste compaction plays a vital role in extending the life of the landfill. Waste densities are affected by waste layer thickness and number of passes. Landfills have been developed using land re-use strategies. There are some adverse impacts of landfills. They can be fatal accidents and infrastructure damage. They can also cause pollution, contamination of ground water and harboring of disease vectors. Vehicles accessing a landfill can also generate environmental noise and dust. The best way to tackle these issues is during the planning stage. Access routes and landfill geometrics are beneficial in mitigating these issues. Daily cover protocols can be helpful in combating vector control (Tchobanoglous, 1993). A secure landfill is a carefully engineered depression in the ground. The aim is to prevent any hydraulic connection between the wastes and the surrounding environment. A bottom liner, leachate collection system, cover and hydro geologic
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Discussion on the Renaissance Art and Its Influences Essay Example for Free
A Discussion on the Renaissance Art and Its Influences Essay 1. The Renaissance style is considered as a collective movement related to the reawakening of art – particularly drawing, painting, sculpture, and architecture – that centered in Italy from 1300-1600 (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 265-266). This movement evolved over the years as people – tired of the medieval life of poverty and sickness – started to develop new world views. These world views centered on essential and profound questions related to human beings, their lives, and their purposes in lives. They formed striking similarities to the Greco-Roman intellectual discourses, which were overshadowed during the dark times of the medieval age but rediscovered during the reawakening period of the Renaissance. Experts agreed that the Renaissance movement started in Florence, Italy, then a trading center between Europe and the rest of the world and a platform for exchange of ideas, purchase of arts, and commissioning of literary works (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 267). In Italy, people began to question tradition and authority, focus on life on earth, shape their own destinies, educate their selves and revisit the classical teachings from Greece and Rome. Teachings from Italy were then dispersed elsewhere in Europe and the world through the printing press, a revolutionary invention during the Renaissance (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 265). See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay One example of a Renaissance art that is a symbol of the inner health of the people during that era was Raphael’s School of Athens (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 315). This painting pictured the great minds who existed in the city of Athens in Greece – Socrates, Plato and Aristotle – who were gathered in what appeared to be a school. In the painting, the great minds seemed to be enthralled in a lively exchange of ideas. Experts said that School of Athens attempted to show that the ancient greats of Greece were as good as the Renaissance men of Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo. In fact in the painting, the three Renaissance artists were supposed to be Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Another example of a Renaissance art that embodied the dynamism and transformation peculiar to the period was the sculpture of Michelangelo of David when the artist was at a relatively young age of 26 (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 286). David was depicted as a civilized and a thinking individual who contemplates on challenges without immediately resorting to unnecessary brute. David was said to represent the brightness of the Renaissance man. It was also said to epitomize the confidence that the people then were feeling in influencing their destinies in terms of trouncing evil and gaining victories. Renaissance humanism is a notion that sprang during this period. This notion placed emphasis on the capacity of human beings to manipulate their future without overreliance on the church (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 287). Although much of the art works had religious themes, the works portrayed religious icons as humans. Such portrayal made light of the religious canons imposed by the church. Instead, the portrayal highlighted the human spirit and its capacity to elevate to great heights. One example of an art work that displayed humanism was Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, which depicted the goddess as an innocent woman with the use of pastel colors. Another example is Simone Martini’s Annunciation, where an angel painted in realistic human dimensions and appearance appeared to tell Mary that she will bear God’s son. The rebirth of the artistic movement in Italy was largely attributed to the successful businessmen in the city of Florence who fed, trained, educated and provided for the basic needs of the artists (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 268).  These patrons commissioned works based on clear-cut agreements. The powers of these businessmen from the Medici family stretched all the way to Rome, allowing many artists to secure contracts to accomplish religious works of arts for the Catholic Church.  The patronage of the Medici family for the artists was crucial to the Renaissance as artists were elevated to a stature important to the beautification and strengthening of the culture of Florence. When the Medici family declined, artists went to Rome where they received the patronage of the pope (Weekly Lectures, n.d.). 3. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, there had been a fierce and widespread sentiment about the perceived abuses of the Catholic Church (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 240). People felt that the leaders of the church were leading extravagant lives that contrasted with the generally modest, if not poor, living of the majority of the people. There were classes within the population that wanted to lead   towards positive change. People were also weary of being caught in the cross-fire of conflicts between the Catholic Church and Kings, both desired power and wealth. To top these off, people were staring to change their beliefs about the capabilities of human beings during the Renaissance. These situations were the precursors to the ushering of the Protestant Reformation, which was set off by German monk Martin Luther. Luther questioned the corruption and moral degradation in Rome and in the whole of the Catholic Church through his writings in The 95 Theses. The Church however was not willing to change its ways. It then financed the Counter-Reformation (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, p. 297). Immediately, art became the medium of propagating the beliefs of the Protestants, who had their bailiwicks in northern Europe, and Catholics, whose strongholds were in the south. For the Catholics, art must focus on religious contents with certain symbolisms that magnify the holiness of the contents. The Catholic art was similar to the art that had prevailed in the Middle Ages. For the Protestants, Catholic religious contents in arts were idolatrous that must be destroyed through iconoclastic movements during the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant art was similar to the art of the humanist Renaissance artists who depicted contents in realistic settings. As a response to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church introduced a Counter-Reformation. It instituted a few changes within the church but became more austere in regulating heresy. Regulations covered the arts, sending Catholic painters to produce religious contents similar to those done during the Middle Ages. Content in arts was the distinguishing factor between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. For the Protestants during the Reformation, paintings centered on mundane activities of everyday existence. Occasionally, paintings drawn out of scenes from the Bible were made. However, these paintings depicted the religious contents in a humanistic manner.  Simple scenes found in regular occasions were also contained in paintings. Generally, the contents did not attempt to glorify contents through symbols. For the Catholics during the Counter-Reformation, paintings focused on idealized religious contents that contained symbolisms of holiness, omnipotence, and great glory. These religious contents were idealized in terms of appearance and the environment in which they were depicted to move. Painters did not paint flaws.  They likewise veered from common scenes experienced by common people. Some of the religious contents depicted in the Counter-Reformation included Catholic saints, sacraments, traditions, and codes of belief taught by the Catholic Church. The arts during Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation were divergent largely because of the opposing world views espoused by the Protestants and the Catholics. On one hand, the Protestants believed that man could shape his destiny and approach God because the sacrifices of Christ were enough to save human souls. On the other hand, the Catholics believed that intermediaries like saints and the Virgin Mary were needed to help Catholics approach God and enter the gates of heaven. Because intermediaries were needed, Catholics created relics where divine powers were supposed to reside. A form of these relics is a typical painting created during Reformation. Catholics worshipped the relics and sought from these relics intervention in order to get the graces of God. Because Protestants believed in the value of man and Christ’s sacrifices, they loathed these relics and called these relics channels of idolatry.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Great Leap Forward: Before the Cultural Revolution took place, Mao had an attempt to modernize China’s economy so that by 1988, China would have an economy equivalent to America’s. Mao first announced a Five Year Plan that would last from 1958 to 1963. Mao toured China and thought that China was capable of doing anything they put their minds to, and the top two things Mao wanted to do was to advance their industry and agriculture. By doing this, Mao believed that, the country would change from an agrarian economy, an economy relating to only agricultural and rural matter, to a communist society. He also believed that both agriculture and the industry had to grow to allow the other to grow. Industry could profit if the workers were fed well, and the farmers could prosper if they had quality technology and good tools. To do this, Mao split China into a series of communes. Each commune contained about 5000 families. Everyone in the commune gave up their tools, equipment, food, animals, and anything they owned to the commune. People now worked for their commune and not for themselves. Every life was now controlled by the commune. Twelve families formed one work team and twelve work teams formed a brigade. Each subdivision was give n a certain task or job to complete. For example, one work team would be used to harvest wheat, and another team would bake the wheat, and eventually the entire brigade would produce loafs of bread. By the end of 1958, 700 million people had been placed into 26,578 communes. The speed of this achievement was amazing, however there was propaganda everywhere to try and make the farmers and workers happy. Propaganda packages were delivered to the fields, so the farmers could listen to political speec... ...what actually happened to Lin Biao. Some say it was â€Å"Mao’s elimination of Lin†, by loyal Chinese military planes, but in any case, Lin Biao’s death is still a mystery. After Lin Biao’s premature death, members of his high military command were â€Å"purged†, the Gang of Four feel apart and Zhou Enlai took control over most of the government. After Lin’s death, much of the Chinese population began to feel that the Cultural Revolution not really a â€Å"revolution†but more of an ordinary struggle for power. Zhou tried to stabilized China by putting the educational system back in action, and restoring numerous former officials to power. They both threw their power to Deng Xiaoping, who had been purged in the beginning years of the Cultural Revolution. This move was extremely opposed by the radical communists, Jiang and her allies, who became known as the Gang of Four. Essay -- Great Leap Forward: Before the Cultural Revolution took place, Mao had an attempt to modernize China’s economy so that by 1988, China would have an economy equivalent to America’s. Mao first announced a Five Year Plan that would last from 1958 to 1963. Mao toured China and thought that China was capable of doing anything they put their minds to, and the top two things Mao wanted to do was to advance their industry and agriculture. By doing this, Mao believed that, the country would change from an agrarian economy, an economy relating to only agricultural and rural matter, to a communist society. He also believed that both agriculture and the industry had to grow to allow the other to grow. Industry could profit if the workers were fed well, and the farmers could prosper if they had quality technology and good tools. To do this, Mao split China into a series of communes. Each commune contained about 5000 families. Everyone in the commune gave up their tools, equipment, food, animals, and anything they owned to the commune. People now worked for their commune and not for themselves. Every life was now controlled by the commune. Twelve families formed one work team and twelve work teams formed a brigade. Each subdivision was give n a certain task or job to complete. For example, one work team would be used to harvest wheat, and another team would bake the wheat, and eventually the entire brigade would produce loafs of bread. By the end of 1958, 700 million people had been placed into 26,578 communes. The speed of this achievement was amazing, however there was propaganda everywhere to try and make the farmers and workers happy. Propaganda packages were delivered to the fields, so the farmers could listen to political speec... ...what actually happened to Lin Biao. Some say it was â€Å"Mao’s elimination of Lin†, by loyal Chinese military planes, but in any case, Lin Biao’s death is still a mystery. After Lin Biao’s premature death, members of his high military command were â€Å"purged†, the Gang of Four feel apart and Zhou Enlai took control over most of the government. After Lin’s death, much of the Chinese population began to feel that the Cultural Revolution not really a â€Å"revolution†but more of an ordinary struggle for power. Zhou tried to stabilized China by putting the educational system back in action, and restoring numerous former officials to power. They both threw their power to Deng Xiaoping, who had been purged in the beginning years of the Cultural Revolution. This move was extremely opposed by the radical communists, Jiang and her allies, who became known as the Gang of Four.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Lindsay Lohan Essay examples -- Films, Teenage Drama Queen
Over the years, the name Lindsay Lohan has become synonymous with the description â€Å"troubled young starlet.†She was first recognized as a budding young actress with promising potential, after the release of her first feature film The Parent Trap. She was only eleven years old in the Disney remake but she turned a lot of people’s heads. From 2002 to 2006, Lindsay stared in a number of films like Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Mean Girls, Herbie: Fully Loaded, and Just my Luck. Lindsay Lohan’s status of fame really rose after the mega box office hit Mean Girls. It grossed $129 million and made her widely popular in U.S. culture (Wikipedia, 2011). As a result of her popularity and our nation’s obsession with tabloids, she started to get stalked by the paparazzi. Suddenly, she began to feel the pressures of living under the public eye and the scrutiny that comes along with it. All the while, she was experiencing a lot of family turmoil at home. Dina Lohan separated from Michael Lohan in 2005 and finalized their divorce in 2007. Lindsay has reported that there was a lot of mayhem in her childhood and often she would find herself in the middle of her parent’s problems because she was trying to keep the peace (Wikipedia, 2011). Throughout the years, she has continued to have a rocky relationship with her father. In the midst of shooting movies, Lindsay also started to dabble in the music industry. She released her debut album Speak in 2004. It received mixed reviews. However, it did reach platinum status. Then she released her sophomore album in December of 2005 titled, A Little More Personal (Raw). This album was not as successful as her first (Wikipedia, 2011). 3 Lindsay refocused on her acting career an... ...accepting, paparazzi stalking environment, she can get a chance to experience what life without drug dependence feels like. However, I feel this treatment plan may be hard to initiate with Lindsay because of her acting career. Nonetheless, her career has been put on hold for quite some time now, so what is another couple years? A lot of times several approaches are combined to treat substance abuse and dependence (Comer, 2010, p. 317). Therefore, if the sociocultural approach proved not to be sufficient on its own, I would add a psychodynamic therapy which can help clients become aware of and correct the underlying needs and conflicts that led to the disorder in the first place (Comer, 2010, p. 310). I think this will help my treatment plan be more inclusive because it will address environmental influences as well as underlying individual issues. Lindsay Lohan Essay examples -- Films, Teenage Drama Queen Over the years, the name Lindsay Lohan has become synonymous with the description â€Å"troubled young starlet.†She was first recognized as a budding young actress with promising potential, after the release of her first feature film The Parent Trap. She was only eleven years old in the Disney remake but she turned a lot of people’s heads. From 2002 to 2006, Lindsay stared in a number of films like Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Mean Girls, Herbie: Fully Loaded, and Just my Luck. Lindsay Lohan’s status of fame really rose after the mega box office hit Mean Girls. It grossed $129 million and made her widely popular in U.S. culture (Wikipedia, 2011). As a result of her popularity and our nation’s obsession with tabloids, she started to get stalked by the paparazzi. Suddenly, she began to feel the pressures of living under the public eye and the scrutiny that comes along with it. All the while, she was experiencing a lot of family turmoil at home. Dina Lohan separated from Michael Lohan in 2005 and finalized their divorce in 2007. Lindsay has reported that there was a lot of mayhem in her childhood and often she would find herself in the middle of her parent’s problems because she was trying to keep the peace (Wikipedia, 2011). Throughout the years, she has continued to have a rocky relationship with her father. In the midst of shooting movies, Lindsay also started to dabble in the music industry. She released her debut album Speak in 2004. It received mixed reviews. However, it did reach platinum status. Then she released her sophomore album in December of 2005 titled, A Little More Personal (Raw). This album was not as successful as her first (Wikipedia, 2011). 3 Lindsay refocused on her acting career an... ...accepting, paparazzi stalking environment, she can get a chance to experience what life without drug dependence feels like. However, I feel this treatment plan may be hard to initiate with Lindsay because of her acting career. Nonetheless, her career has been put on hold for quite some time now, so what is another couple years? A lot of times several approaches are combined to treat substance abuse and dependence (Comer, 2010, p. 317). Therefore, if the sociocultural approach proved not to be sufficient on its own, I would add a psychodynamic therapy which can help clients become aware of and correct the underlying needs and conflicts that led to the disorder in the first place (Comer, 2010, p. 310). I think this will help my treatment plan be more inclusive because it will address environmental influences as well as underlying individual issues.
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